The City Conquerors

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The Game LOOKED normal at first but as he kept exploring The Narrator slowly saw the changes, for starters, there were posters everywhere that said "Queen Bee!" this worried The Narrator, another thing that made him feel uneasy is his parable looked like a big city now

The Narrator gasped in horror. Everything- Everything had changed! He looked around, confused. Queen Bee? How? What did Timekeeper do when he had his powers back? It certainly wasn't good, that's for sure. He started moving around the level to find some clues or answers as to what happened at the time he was deleted.

The Narrator started to see another poster except it had clocks and yellow and black eyes on it and on the top in red bold letters it said "Don't forget I am always WATCHING"

The Narrator was scared, especially of that last part. There were so many eyes everywhere now, and the city.. Everything was different! It didn't look right!
"What- what was happening?"
The Narrator looked around, confused and worried. Just what did Timekeeper do while he was gone? He took off running to look for some more clues, and perhaps, more answers.

There was a building with clocks that looked exactly like... TIMEKEEPER

The Narrator was scared, especially of that last part. There were so many eyes everywhere now, and the city.. Everything was different! It didn't look right!
"What- what was happening?"
The Narrator looked around, confused and worried. Just what did Timekeeper do while he was gone? He took off running to look for some more clues, and perhaps, more answers.

The Narrator froze in horror. His eyes widened in fear. His breathing began to quicken. He knew what this meant. He had to go inside, he already knew this.
"That.. Timekeeper.. Oh no. This can't end up well for me.."
The Narrator slowly walked into, he walked inside, still terrified, and with the fear of what was inside. He pushed the door open, and stepped inside.

Inside of the building, there were more of the same posters that said  "Don't forget I am always WATCHING" except now there was a new one that had TimeKeeper standing on top of a building, his clocks and eyes were made so it looked like him and the eyes and clocks were staring at you, and there was red text at the top that said "OBEY your leader, TIMEKEEPER or ELSE"

The Narrator stood still. Everything inside was horrifying. Timekeeper had clearly turned into a dictator. He wanted power, and he had gotten it- At the Narrators expense.
There was no doubt in his mind that Timekeeper would do anything to keep power. He had to be careful, otherwise, he'd delete him again, or worse...
"I don't want to do this. But I have to."
The Narrator thought to himself, before walking up the stairs to find Timekeeper.

The Narrator walked up another flight of stairs, now after he had climbed 4 flights of stairs he just realized  there was an elevator

The Narrator stopped as soon as he realized he could have taken the elevator instead of walking. He sighed in annoyance, and looked towards the elevator, feeling quite dumb..
"Well, I guess he's at the top then.."
He began to walk into the elevator, and pressed the highest floor he could. He began to feel nervous as the elevator lifted him up to the top floor, where he presumed Timekeeper was.

He came to the top, and he saw TimeKeeper sitting behind a desk, doing stuff on his computer, he looked purely happy

The Narrator felt his heart sink. Timekeeper was so happy. He looked like a child on Christmas. But that was only because he had finally completed his plot.
The Narrator stepped out of the elevator, feeling very nervous. He kept his composure and put on as best of a smile as he could.
"Hey, Timekeeper."
The Narrator spoke calmly, as he walked toward him at the desk. He tried to keep the fear he felt inside hidden.
"It's nice to.. Uh... See you again"

TimeKeeper smiled [Ah! Vincen!] TimeKeeper usually called The Narrator by his human name when he wanted to be sociable, and usually, if The Narrator wanted to be nice he would  call TimeKeeper by his human name, Daniel [It's wonderful to see you again!]

The Narrator felt a little shocked that Timekeeper had decided to use his real name. He didn't expect this. He thought they were enemies, no? Why did Timekeeper seem so friendly now?
"It's.. It's good to see you too, Daniel."
The Narrator smiled nervously. What was happening right now? He couldn't help but feel slightly suspicious. Could Timekeeper really be trusted? Would it be best to do what he wanted? Even if he is dangerous now?

TimeKeeper stood up still looking friendly [So! I have been thinking.. We have been at each other's throats for some time now, so I thought why don't we just put all of our conflict behind us, Hm?]

The Narrator looked at Timekeeper. He seemed so friendly and happy... Too friendly. He tried to keep his composure, thinking of how to reply to Timekeeper's proposition.
"That sounds.. Nice. Yes, I agree. We don't have to be at each other's throats."
He was cautious of Timekeeper. It sounded like he had a plan behind this. He decided it would be best to keep his guard up. It sounded like Timekeeper was trying to manipulate him, but he couldn't be too sure until he heard Timekeeper's full proposal.

TimeKeeper smiled happily, [Good! Good, however, you know Bee? She is...planning something I- I'm not sure what but I don't think it's good, I was wondering... Will you help me find out her plans?]

"Bee...? I see.. Yes, yes I'll help you. But.. I'm not sure about some things Timekeeper.."
The Narrator was suspicious, and was still keeping his guard up. Why was Timekeeper friendly all of a sudden? He was acting very sketchy.. Plus, he was asking him to help take down Bee, his own creation?
"What is it that you want from me, in exchange for helping you?"

TimeKeeper smiled [Oh no this time, I don't request anything, just your help!]

"This all seems too good to be true. You're asking me to help you deal with Bee, and in return you want.. Nothing. That's suspicious, timekeeper".
The Narrator was still cautious, but he was curious to hear Timekeeper's true plans. He could tell that timekeeper wanted something from him, but it definitely sounded like he was lying.
Tell me the truth timekeeper. "What do you really want?"

TimeKeeper got on his knees [Vincen, please! She has the delete button! She can destroy me! And without me, I can't bring anyone back! I just got free from that void hell! I don't wanna go back!]

"Oh.. I understand.. In that case.."
The Narrator sighed in relief.
"You're right, i'll help you."
In truth, Timekeeper was right. While he was trapped, everything really did get worse, and if Bee could delete him.. Well, that was a huge problem. The Narrator now understood why Timekeeper was asking him for help, and he wasn't about to refuse.
"Yes, i'll help."

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