Resident Evil Apocalypse : volume 2 Chapter 1

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                   Its been a few week's since Jason and the girls have been taken, the scientist have put them through more pain the any man or woman could bare. They infected them with the T-Virus as they perfectly bonded with the virus. On the outside world, the virus spread out into Raccoon City. The undead flooded the street's as the city itself has been sealed of.

In an abandon hospital Jason woke up, as he rose IV needles was yanked from his arm. He went to a near by computer to learn what Umbrella has done to them.

Jason: ' Hmm, subject in complete of the T-Virus and the B.O.W Carnage. In addition to the Las Plagas Parasite, the subject capabilities are beyond superhuman'

Jessie: Jason!!

Jason turned around and saw his sister worse for were 

Jason turned around and saw his sister worse for were 

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Jason: Damn, what happen to you?

Jessie: woke up in a pit, had to fight 10 super B.O.W to get out. Did you see Alice or Rain yet?

Jason: I don't know, your the first person I saw when woke. Did you read your file my B.O.W is Carnage.

Jessie: Venom, guessing they infected you with the T-Virus as well?

Jason: yeah, apparently the 4 of us were the only one's out of 100 to survive.

                         The brother and sister pair walked out of the hospital to see both Rain and Alice.

                         The brother and sister pair walked out of the hospital to see both Rain and Alice

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Once the both of the saw the siblings they engulfed them in a big hug. All four of them got their bearings as they walked down the street. Nearly all the building was ruined or destroyed, all the car's were abandoned as dead bodies and blood  was everywhere.

They kept walking until they came across a perfectly intact gun shop, they walked in about to get some supplies until they get the mother of all headace that dropped them on there knees as they hold there head in pain. this carried on for about another 6 min until it all came to a stop.

Jason: shit! girls okay?

Rain: yeah, felt like someone put 20 airhorn blasted them directly in my ear.

Jessie/Alice: Same.

Jason: At any Rate, lets stock up on supplies, guns and ammo while we are here.

                Everything in the gun shop was fairly new as was the gun's, Jason leaned on a wall as a secret room open up as it reveled more high grade weapons and gear.

                Everything in the gun shop was fairly new as was the gun's, Jason leaned on a wall as a secret room open up as it reveled more high grade weapons and gear

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They couldn't take it all as they had to travel light

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They couldn't take it all as they had to travel light. getting a good haul of weapons they exit the shop. as they were walking phone kept ringing, they continue to ignore it until Jason decided to answer it.

Jason: who is this?

Dr. Ashborune:// Ashborune, I can get you out of the city. all 4 of you//

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