In the center of the crowd is Alex, talking to everyone as Lily writes stuff down on her notebook. Brittany and her friends push their way to the front of the crowd, curious as to what this is all about. "Hey, what's all this fuss about?" Vanessa asks.

Lily stops writing for a bit, as she turns her attention to Brittany and her friends. "Oh, this? Everyone's hearing Alex tell the story of how he fought the other superpowered teen the other day." Lily explains. "I wrote all about it in the Peachwood High News, and everyone wants to hear about it from the man himself!" She adds with a giggle.

"That's... all this is about? He fought a guy?" Brittany asks.

Helen scratches her head a bit. "People actually read the school newspaper?" she asks.

Lily pouts at that last comment. "Of course they do! I make sure to publish the most exciting news for everyone to read about!" she exclaims, proud of her work. "In fact, recently people have been reading the news more than ever! The heroics of the superhero Blast are the hot topic in school now!" Lily adds with a proud smile. "And I'm the one the writes all about it."

"Yeah yeah, whatever you say." Brittany says, waving her hand to brush aside the topic of Alex's heroics. "Anyway, I was going to talk to you all about the party I'll be having at my place this Friday. It's going to be the biggest party yet." Brittany tells the crowd.

However, far from being all excited and switching their attention to her like she expected, they're all still focused on Alex, who is floating a few feet above the ground as he continues talking about his experiences. "Ahem, did anyone hear me?" Brittany insists.

Lily looks at her again. "Sorry Brittany. Your parties are super cool and all that, but right now everyone's listening to Alex." She tells Brittany. A frown appears on Brittany's face.

"What a bunch of losers." Vanessa remarks, rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean?" Brittany asks Lily, evidently not taking kindly to her spotlight being taken by someone else. "Don't you write about my parties in the newspaper too?" Brittany asks Lily. "Everyone cares about them, everyone cares about me after all."

Lily shrugs slightly. "I mean yeah... but ever since I started writing about Blast instead, the newspaper has become a lot more popular. Sorry Brittany, but people just really like hearing about his heroics." She explains, with a bit of a nervous giggle as she sees how upset Brittany is over all this.

"That's stupid. I've always been the best, and you know that." Brittany retorts. "I bet you're just jealous of me, and that's why you've been writing so much about this loser. That's low, Lily." Brittany adds, with both of her friends joining in her accusation.

"Yeah, that's really uncool." Helen remarks, shaking her head in disapproval.

Lily shakes her head as well. "Of course not! You're really cool Brittany, I wouldn't do that to you. But the people want to hear more about Blast, so I have to give them what they want." Lily explains.

"What's so special about him anyway?" Brittany asks. "He can fly, so what? I fly on a plane all the time when I go on vacations to Hawaii."

Lily chuckles a bit. "Well, you see, the thing is, he's a superhero, and that's really cool." she explains. "Who wouldn't want to hear about the real superhero we have here in town?"

Brittany pouts, and then angrily walks away, with both of her friends chasing after her.

Alex then comes over to Lily. "Hey, was that Brittany over there?" He asks her, a bit surprised.

"Yeah... she didn't really take very kindly that you're more popular than her now." Lily explains to him.

Alex shrugs, not really knowing what to say. "I mean... it wasn't really my intention." he finally says.

Blast: The Teenage HeroWhere stories live. Discover now