Chapter V

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"Are you okay?", a voice spoke.

Vishaka's eyes fluttered open to see a lady at the side of her bed. The figure moved with a rigid presence, her eyes still blurred from the impact on her head.

"Gurnaz?", Vishaka asked confused.

"Pardon me my lady, I am Brigha, the royal physician. You were out for a long time, how are you feeling?", the voice asked again.

"Fine, I guess. Where's Gurnaz? ", Vishaka muttered.

"The maid is resting my lady. What matters now is how you feel. What was the last thing you remember?"

"Getting knocked to the ground, a hard hit on my head-" she spoke.

"His Highness is entering the apothecary," an announcement sang.

The Queen entered the room in a hurry, followed closely by the King. and Ambar.

"Kanna, are you okay? Oh my gods, who did this to you?", the Queen spoke.

"Amma, it's fine, I'm fine now. I just want some time alone," Vishaka said.

"How can I leave you here, kanna, and so close to your wedding as well? Someone has definitely put nazar on you." she spoke.

"Amma, she was attacked, by an actual person. Not some evil eye," Ambar scoffed.

The Queen slapped Ambar on his arm.

"Ouch," Ambar yelped. His usual melodrama taking centre stage.

It was kind of nice actually, having him here. After everything that has happened, all she wanted was Ambar's goofiness and his care.

"Did you see who attacked you, any physical marks or details we should know?", Ambar asked, worried.

"He had green eyes, but that's all," Vishaka said.

Somehow the huge tattoo on his arm completely left her mind.

The King nodded and sat next to Vishaka on the bed.

"Take complete rest dear, you need to be well for-"

"For my marriage. That's all you care about." she spoke.

"Vishaka, that is not what I-" the King started.

"I need to see Gurnaz, where is she?", Vishaka got up suddenly. She scanned the room and found Gurnaz on the bed opposite to her's. A bandage around her forehead.

"I have personally dressed the wounds, my lady. She will be fine." Brigha said.

Vishaka felt a gut punch to her stomach. Gurnaz was not only her maid, but a close confidant. An elder sister of sorts.

Vishaka sat back down in her bed and waited till her parents and her brother left. She wasn't worried about her wounds or her wedding. She felt useless, pathetic just dancing on the verandah when Gurnaz was hit, laying on the ground when the man escaped. She couldn't get those menacing green eyes out of her head.

Her thoughts were interrupted with a concoction that Brigha had prepared.

"It contains mulberry, rosewood, lint leaves and a little turmeric for taste. It should help with the soreness," Brigha told.

Vishaka held the glossy brown liquid in her hands before drinking it in one shot.

The bitter liquid made its way down into her throat and after a few seconds, her soreness started to slowly disappear.

"Incredible! I feel so much better", Vishaka exclaimed, astonished.

Brigha smiled slightly, and took the bowl from Vishaka.

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