Song Practice

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None of them were late. Ash, Joe and Mark were excited. It's been a while since Wil had been as motivated and euphoric to work on music. Usually he'd write some lines and then somehow the others made the instrumental part. To get something out of it, that everybody liked, usually took way longer than it should.

But if Wil really wanted to do this, they knew it could be their next hit.

Wil was actually the last one to get there. His Band mates were waiting on the dark green fabric couch they had placed in the "living room" if you could call it that.

When he stood in front of them, he put down his leather shoulder bag and took out a few pieces of paper.
"I wanted to print them out for you. I'm pretty sure, we can get through this in one night, if you guys like it."

He handing each of them one copy of the lyrics along with pens. "If you wanna change something on it, let me know.
Now, if you're ready, I'd like to show you how I imagine, what the verses sound like." He left them in utter surprise. "You already know the chords for all of this?" Ash asked sceptically. "To be honest, this song just popped up in my head when I woke up this morning. It's crazy!"

The excitement he showed was truly contagious. His three friends skimmed over the text and when they looked back up, Wil already left for the practice room with the instruments.

"Hold on, this is not bad." Joe said. Ash nodded in agreement.

"It does have potential and definitely sounds like one of his older songs. You know, with the hopeless romantic "I'm what you need, take me instead of him" kind of thing. People love that. I'm interested in what he's doing with it. " Mark admitted and got up to look for their song writer. The other two followed.

Wil had already out up a microphone in front of him and the guitar strap around him. He was so ready for this, so full of energy.

Placing his pinky and ring finger on the 3rd and 4th string and pushing the 3rd row down completely with his index finger, G#m, the others recognized the chord, he got ready.
Without any warning he began to play. It took him a few times to get the chords right without mistakes, when when he got used to it, he picked up pace quick. At some point he even closed his eyes and leaned back slightly, as if he was relaxing and letting his body do all the work on its own.

Then he began to sing.
"He told me that much and now he's dead.
Told me to kill my indulgences.
With a sharp blow to the temple,
Pick up the phone call and do everything he says.
I could take a plastic camera,
We could make such a pretty picture.
Oh, so happy, oh, oh, so happy,
I'm pretty cool once you get to know me. "

He stopped, opening his eyes. He wanted a reaction, any reaction to know what they thought of it. Was it good, bad, mediocre? But all there was to see were shocked faces.

"You're saying, you woke up and that just appeared in your head? Nah, Wil. I don't believe that." Ash spoke his mind. After a short pause he added: "And if so, you're a genius."

A bright genuine smile developed on all of their faces. Perfect, they liked it.

Wil set down the guitar. "I'm glad, you think so. Now get to your weapons, I have much to show each of you. Joe, I'll show you first, since you just heard me play on the guitar."

Good thing, they had met up that early, otherwise none of them would have gotten home to a humanly time.
Ash was by far the fastest learner, followed up by Mark on the drums. Wil spent the longest time teaching Joe, since the song was heavily based on guitars and he really wanted to get it right.

Eventually they managed to play the entire song from start to end without major mistakes.
There was a proudness in them that they haven't felt to that extent in a long time.

To celebrate their newest piece of art, they sat down together in the living room and drank beer, that they had stored in the fridge.

"I have only one more question." Joe started, before taking another sip.
"What is the song even called? Maybe I forgot or it went passed me, but I wanna know."

Huh, Wil actually hadn't thought about that. It took a minute for him to answer. Like lighting that struck his brain, he knew exactly what the song had to be called. He couldn't tell them truthfully why he wanted to name it that way. God, the others would laugh about him, tease him with it, maybe think of him as a simp for just another girl.

"Portrait of a blank slate."

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