Wilbur's Dream

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Wilbur had a dream that night.

Lovejoy was having an open air concert. They were playing their hearts out on stage.

The sky was tinted a pastel pink with violett clouds floating around like big fish in the ocean. You could not only hear the music, but feel it. The music waves wrapping around ones body, till they were absorped. Like the human body had developed an entirely new sense for this band's music specifically. The audience ground in front of the stage was packed. Thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of fans. All of them were having an amazing time, the four on stage included.

When the song ended, there was loud cheering. Then silence. Unusual silence. As if everyone was waiting for something to happen.

Wil stepped forward to the microphone, clearing his throat before talking. "For this show, we have promised you a surprise. You all have been waiting for it very patiently. Not long ago, I've met this person. They proved to me, that I was still someone outside of this music scene. Just as I was about to lose interest, she gave me back the spark, that has got me to the point that I am at right now. Thank you, Valerie. "

A stage light searched through the crowd, before stopping on the front row. The black haired girl flinched and looked up in surprise. A bright blush appeared on her face. The cameras found her in seconds and her image was shown on big monitors on the sides of the stage.

"The last song is for you. We've never played it to anyone before, actually. You and the song hold a special place in my heart. "

The camera went back to the band.
The music started. Wil began to sing. The lyrics just rolling off his tongue. His fingers playing chords on his guitar in a way he had never practiced. It all just came naturally. Like the music was playing him instead of the other way around.

When the song got near to it's end, Wil climbed off the stage, the camera and uncountable pairs of eyes watching his every move. He went up and down the front row. Finally, he stopped, right in front of her.

"I'm sorry, it's all so predictable, I know." He sang. His hand with the microphone slowly sank down. The both of them locked eyes as the outro started to sound muffled. Anything that wasn't her became a blur, simply unrelevant.

He leaned in and kissed her.

Fireworks went off in the distance and Wilbur woke up in a cold sweat.

What was that? How? And why did he act like that?
For a couple of minutes be just sat there in his bed, trying to process what he had dreamt about.

He raised a hand to his face and let the index finger pace over his lips trying to remember the feeling that shot through his body just a moment ago.

He couldn't make sense of the dream. Everything about it felt weird. And the strangest thing, was that he could still remember the lyrics he sang, when he was on stage. He could repeat every single word. He took his phone and wrote them down, filling lines with phrases that he had yet to understand the meaning of.

It was brilliant. He needed to tell the others about it.

"I've got a new song idea that I need your opinion on, guys. Meet me in the studio at 6 o' clock ."

The brunette got ready to go outside. It was really time to get groceries. He'd pick up breakfast on the way. His body felt electrified, full of energy and he could barely wait to show the others his new work.

Portrait of Him | Wilbur Soot ✔️Where stories live. Discover now