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With a sigh, Valerie closed the door. She felt so incredibly lucky to have met someone as nice as him. Maybe, she'll meet the other guys as well. Curiosity for their mysterious band was there. Definitely. Though, she could sense that he didn't feel like talking about them too much.

She put away her left overs. Those would have to do as breakfast for tomorrow. Then, hopefully she could get groceries. When she came back to the kitchen where they had talked, the box with her art caught her eye. It was still open and some of it's contents were still spread around it.
Why had she kept that darn painting for so long. It's been half a year since she and him broke up, she was over so him. Mostly.

Things hadn't been going well for a while. He paid less and less attention to her. She only started to notice, when he would not show up to their regular dates. Instead he'd meet with friends. He'd shot the birds off the sky for her, when he met up with one of his female friends instead of with her on their two years anniversary. One of his friends told her, when she asked them about it. She waited two hours in their local park, under the tree, where they had their first date. She cried, called him so many times, but he simply declined the calls. It made her suspect, that he might even be cheating on her.

When she went to his house a few days later, that's when it ended. He let her in with an eye roll. They sat down in the kitchen and she asked him, what the hell was up with him.

He had raised an eyebrow at her.

"You've become so boring. You do nothing in your life. All of my other friends go out and do stuff."

"Oh and you rather talk about that with some other girl, than with me? IT WAS OUR FUCKING ANNIVERSARY, TOM!" Looking back, she can't remember, if there was maybe a small twitch of his eyebrow or if she just imagined that. Because, there really wasn't much of a reaction besides that.

"I forgot." He said quietly.

"Oh yeah? And you're phone showed no indication that hmmm, maybe there was a call or text from me?!" Valerie had been enraged. Her face was red and she didn't even try to keep calm. For weeks, things had gone like that and she was so done with being treated like she had no back bone.

When he didn't reply, she took a deep breath. "It's over. Find yourself some other girl to fuck, if you haven't already, because I feel like there's nothing else in this relationship and that's certainly not what I want."
She turned around and walked to the door. He shouted things after her, but did not make any other effort to stop her.

"YOU are gone leave ME? What do you think you're doing? You're aren't gonna find anyone who's gonna love you. You hear that? You're boring and no one else will want you. This is all your fault-" With tears in her eyes, she had closed the door and ran home. It had unexpectedly started to rain and when she got home, out of breath, she was drenched.

And the worst part? She didn't know who to talk to. He was right with her not doing much. She spent most of the time at home, drawing and crafting. All of her friends, we're his friends.
Her parents had liked him and would probably agree with him.

The next few weeks she tried to get over him, which wasn't easy, because her room was filled with pictures and drawings of  or from him. And he kept on texting her to give them another chance. He half-heartedly apologized, but she knew that he would not even pretend to have changed. Quite the contrary. He told her, that if she out more effort into the relationship, they could work. He kept trying and Val for  some time even thought about it. Though she didn't wanna change. She liked being what he called "boring".

So she stayed true to herself. Yet, there was this curiosity in her. What if she tried something new? Something to get away from all that mess. From all those memories that haunted her in this place, like ghosts.

So she moved. Much to the shock of her parents, but there wasn't much they could do. She was an adult now. She had worked and had saved most of it. Outside of art material, there wasn't much she desired to buy.

She was astonished by how fast the whole moving process to another country had gone.

And now she stood there, in her new own little home with her new own little life and regretted nothing.

Portrait of Him | Wilbur Soot ✔️Where stories live. Discover now