Vol 1. Ch 1:Proposition

Start from the beginning

"Ok. Don't be out too long." Ben tells as he and the rest of their group head to the hotel.

"Yes "Dad"." He said as he waves at them before going across the street.

He reaches the other as he walks up to the store doors. Once he got in, he says hello to the elderly shopkeeper and starts looking around, browsing through what he needed. Just then he bumps into a smaller figure as he saw the figure was a girl as she fell down as she dropped a magazine in their hand.

"Oh I'm sorry about that." He apologizes to the person.

"No no it's fine." The hooded girl said as she puts down her headphones and removes her hood as she reveals her face to him.

"Sorry about that, I-I wasn't watching where I was going." The girl apologizes again. He takes a closer look as he

A young girl with fair skin, neck-length black hair. Wearing black long-sleeved blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, over which is a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a matching skirt with red lining. She also wears a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trims around the top, and red soles. Along with the noticeable red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulders by cross-shaped pins. A rose shape emblem appears as a large silver buckle on her wide black belt, which is slung around her hips on an angle. Attached to her belt are a pocket and a row of bullets. But the one thing that caught his eye the most was her eyes, for they weren't any ordinary eyes.

"Sliver eyes?!" He thought in surprise.

"Oh no it's ok. Just gotta be careful where I'm walking." He tells the young girl.

"Hehe um yeah. Same here." She replies awkwardly as she fiddles a strand of her hair.

"Oh here this belongs to you." He said as he grabs the magazine on the floor and gives it back to her.

"Thank you. My names Ruby. Ruby Rose." The girl introduces herself.

"Aladar Grant at your service." Aladar replies, giving a playful bow to her. She giggles at that action as he looks at the cover and sees it wasn't the kind common girls don't really see. It was a weapons magazine.

"You're a weapon designer?" He asks her

"Oh no. Not exactly. I just have a thing for weapons." Ruby explains.

"I see. That's a very interesting subject to have it's impressive. You must have a very good

"Really? People tend to think I'm weird that I'm not like the other girls my age. Instead of going for makeup and beauty I prefer these weapons as my kind hobby. I know it's weird, but I like them better." Ruby explains.

"It's not wrong to have a favorite hobby. That's what makes us all unique and interesting. It defines who we are. So no need to feel embarrassed about something so little. And be proud of who you are." He explains his wisdom.

She was surprised by that response.

"Oh, umm. Wow. Thanks." She said as she gave him a small shy smile. He smiles back at her.

"You best head home. Your parents are probably worried." He tells her.

"I'm sure my dad is fine to be out this." Ruby tells him.

"You'd be surprised how fathers can be with their daughters. Especially with girl like you." He said leaning down a little closer as they were face to face. Her cheeks slowly turned as red as her cape but she moves out of the way before anything can go further.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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