Chapter 2.

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"welcome home iruma-sama."
"Welcome home, iruma-kun!"

Iruma didn't answer the polite greetings from his ecstatic grandfather and nonchalant butler, only nodding and waving them off. He walked his way straight towards his room and closing the door, much to sullivan and opera's surprise.

While they both knew iruma's changed a bit due to teenage hormones and puberty, they couldn't help but obviously worry. Sure, he would come home in a bad mood but he would always still answer them using his voice and half of the time, talking about it to them. Opera knocked on iruma's door, hoping for an answer. "Iruma-sama? Are you okay?" Opera says, in a tone that visibly screamed worry. "Iruma-kun? Did something happen at school today?" Sullivan knocked before opening the door slowly, peeking his head out.

There iruma was, lying down on his bed sideways. almost motionlessly, iruma's schoolbag was carelessly thrown onto the floor, in result leaving his books partially out. Sullivan fully opened the door after seeing this, walking over to iruma. "Iruma-kun, did anything happen today?" Iruma buried his face in his pillow. "you can always talk to us if that's the case." Opera says, his concern shown by his ears being down, along with the worry in his voice.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone. I need space." Iruma wanted to say sorry, sorry for his rude tone and sorry for how he phrased his words. but no words was able to come out of his mouth after saying those words.

Sullivan contemplated what to do or say next for a moment, he rested his hand on iruma's head, caressing it with his thumb for a few seconds before letting out a quiet sigh and silently leaving iruma's room with opera by his side.

They closed the door shut and now iruma was left in his room, silence echoed in the room.

Iruma rised his head up from the pillow he buried his face in moments ago. He almost couldn't believe what happened at school, how could he let his guard down just like that!? Now they knew. Now they knew this disgustingly yet euphoric habit(addiction) he had. He never wanted them to know. To know how he's been smoking for a long time behind their back, how he always takes a cigarette pack out of his pockets and jacket after almost every school lesson, but great. Now they know. The situation was stressing iruma out, how will he be able to face them this week afterwards!? After running away like a coward and leaving without a word. No less, what if they told kalego-sensei or balam-sensei? Or tell the adults?
Lying down on his back and looking over at his bag. Minutes passed silently and iruma slowly stood up, He took off his jacket and unbuttoned his school uniform, his cigarette packet that he put into his jacket falling down onto the floor with a mildly loud thud.

shorts and a oversized t-shirt will be just fine.

What are you, stupid? shorts will show THOSE scars off, but you'd probably like that wouldn't you? To show them off?

go wear longer pants you stupid fat-ass.

But shorts are scars need air and it's tiring having to constantly wear long pants even during hot weather.

Iruma walked towards his door and locked it shut, if he was gonna wear shorts then he'll need the doors to be locked and some sweatpants on standby. Bachiko already knew about the scars when his pants ripped partially one-time during training, he didn't need anymore people(demons) to see those long, red scars that once used to be open with white that once oozed out crimson red. Iruma took off his belt and pants and began changing into more comfortable clothes.

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