Getting Home With The Food

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You are currently getting lunch at the McDonald's drive thru. You're gonna have lunch with Killua while watching a movie. You left Killua at home while you went to grab the food. Before you left, you gave Killua a whole lecture on how to behave himself in the house. You ordred a LOT of chicken nuggets and a few large bags of fries.

After you get the food, you try to get home as quickly as possible just in case Killua is being naughty in your house. While you're still on your way, almost home, you sneak your hand in the bag of fries and eat a few of them from the bag and think to yourself, "Killua better be behaving himself right now." You help yourself to some more fries while youre almost home, by now you might've ate one whole bag of fries without realizing. You finally arrive at your house with your hands full of food, and your face stuffed with fries. You finish chewing the fries before entering and when you finish, you zoom into the house and you run downstairs with the food and yell "Killua I'm back, go pick a movie you little slowpoke!!!" There wasn't any response

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