4. Tension

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Maniacs were taught to be punctual and disciplined. I remembered getting extra classes about how to behave at the dining table, how to talk to elders, how to ask for something without sounding rude. I used to top these classes. I could act really well. Mother used to be astonished after seeing me rank highest in classes. I was a quiet kid, so no one thought I would become like this. I smirked, thinking about the old days. Who thought I would turn out like this?

Another thought came to mind. Should I ask Felix how he was alive? Was that a good idea? No, bad idea. He was still healing. I should wait. My men did research on him, diminutive information was found. I knew his Father. His Father used to work in ODDINARY long time ago. He died young. Luckily, he wasn't tortured, he died of cholera. Felix's Mother was tortured. She, too, died young. Did Felix know about his parents?

Felix seemed to love painting. I didn't dare look at his paintings, as last time wasn't really good. Felix painted with my main easel, I painted in the corner next to him. Well, I didn't really paint, I was too busy staring at his face. It felt like Felix kept getting more beautiful every single day. I couldn't help but admire his pretty face. His hands were perfectly shaped. I wanted to place those hands on my face so bad. I desired his red lips. I would bite them off if I could. His legs—ugh, I wanted to eat them.

"Woah Hyunjin, Calm down."

I loved loving Felix.


Felix seemed sad. He had a small pout on his lips. He and I were having dinner together. I kept eating my food.


"Y-Yes, hyung?"

"Is something wrong?"


"Are you sure?"



More silence.


"Yes Felix?"

"Why-y isn't there any ch-chocolate on the table?"

I looked at the table. There really wasn't any chocolate. The cooks explained that they had run out of chocolate. I ordered them to stock chocolates as fast as they could. I also told them that if something like this ever happened again, there would be consequences.

"W-What happened, hyung?"

"They have run out of chocolates, Felix."


He, again, gave a small pout. It was too cute to tolerate.

"I'm sorry Felix."

"N-No no, h-hyung, it's o-okay."

He began eating his food.



Ugh, Minho hyung.

"What hyung?"

"Did you forget you have a cousin?"

"Yes, actually, I did."

He gave me a disturbed face.

"So how's the Angel?"

He knew.

"He's fine."

"I want to meet him real bad."


He ran to the living room.

Minho hyung was my cousin. He was three years older than me. He was the king of XIKY, a small state. Uncle and Aunty weren't alive. They died in a civil war with enemies. Minho was married to Han, a Genius. He was, in fact, annoying.

"Is Han here too?"

"Of course he's here."


My men called Felix. He came to the living room. I introduced Minho Hyung and Han to him. Han was a chatterbox, so he kept talking with Felix. Minho hyung talked with him, too. Felix looked happy. He smiled at them, which made me gasp. How was my Angel so beautiful? How was I lucky enough to see his alluring smile? I wanted to kiss him everywhere, all over his body. It was crazy that Felix wasn't scared of Han and Minho hyung. Perhaps he only feared me, just like everyone else.

Lunch was chaotic. Han talking with Felix, Felix talking with Han, Minho hyung eating like a beast, me busy looking at my Angel. We had chocolate ice cream, along with vanilla ice cream. Felix was having a hard time, as his ice-cream kept melting down his hand. I wanted to lick the ice cream off his hand. Han helped him with tissues. Minho hyung stole my ice-cream.

Han suggested going to town in the evening. Felix looked at me with curiosity. He wanted to go to town.

"No, it's not safe for Felix."

Felix sadly looked away. I had no choice.

Minho hyung later asked me questions.

"Didn't Felix use to live in town?"

"No, he was found barely alive in the slum area."

"Oh, what happened to him?"

"He ran out of blood. If my men didn't find him that day, he would die."

"Do people know of him?"

"A few Xylazians knew of him, but I erased their memory. No-one should know about him."

"Damn. But Hyunji, did he randomly come there or was he already living there?"

"I don't know for sure, but Felix grew up in Xylazia and he was kept hidden. But I actually don't know how."


Han and Felix became good friends. Han made Felix smile a lot. His heavenly smile was a pleasurable thing for me. I wish I could make him smile. His smile was more valuable than any precious element. I would do anything for his smile. My gosh, I loved Felix.

I went to the rooftop at midnight. The weather was nice. A cold breeze made it even better. I sat on the ceiling and swung my legs. I closed my eyes. But I opened them when I heard a noise. Felix was there.

"Hi, Felix."

"Hi Hy-yung."

"Having trouble falling asleep?"


His nervousness while talking with me never stopped.

"Okay then, stay."

Felix started seeing the city lights. I became busy looking at him. Was he ever going to be mine? Could I be his? These sentences were bothering me. I couldn't take the pressure anymore. And as I'm the most intelligent Maniac ever known to Maniacs, I made the dumbest decision ever.

"Lee Felix.....I love you."

𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 [𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐍 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐅]Where stories live. Discover now