2. Lee Felix

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It took a week for Felix to be out of the hospital. He looked worn out. He had eye bags, which meant he had trouble falling asleep. When he arrived at ODDINARY, my mansion, I noticed that he looked weaker and depressed. When he met me, he hesitantly greeted me.

"H-Hello, H-Hyunjin h-hyung."

I had ordered him to call me hyung [older brother], as it felt awkward to be called "Sir" or "King" by him.

"Hi, Felix."


"Make yourself at home, don't worry about anything."

Felix hesitantly nodded.

"I'll meet you at lunch."

One of my men took Felix to his room.

"If anyone misbehaves with Felix or if anything happens to Felix, you all will be tortured to death. DEATH. Understood?"

The others instantly nodded.

My cooks prepared the finest dishes known to Maniacs. Was that okay? What if the Angels didn't like them? Did Felix like what he had been eating in the hospital? Was the food safe for him? Why didn't I think about it sooner? What if the Angels ate different foods? What if the food is too dangerous for him? The books written about Angels were mostly lies. How would I find out? Or was I just overthinking? Did the doctors know anything about it?

Lunch was mostly quiet. It felt weird. Someone was having lunch with me. It had been ages since I last ate with someone. Felix didn't seem to eat much. Was he thinking about something?


He didn't answer. That meant he was deeply thinking about something.



He came back to reality.

"Do you want anything?"

"N-No, T-hank y-you."




"Is something bothering you?"


"You sure?"


"If something bothers you, you must tell me. No matter how small it is. Understood?"

He nodded.

Silence again.

"You do not need to force yourself to eat. You can go and take rest if you want to."

"T-Thank y-you, hyung."

He got up and went to his room. Poor boy, he thought it would be disrespectful if he didn't finish his food. Cute. For normal people I would find it disrespectful, even though I, myself, don't really finish my food most of the time. But for Felix, everything was okay. Everything.

I went to Hwang's Library in the evening. Hwang's Library was created by my great great grandfather. Most of the books were very old, which I thought was, perfect. I knew most of the books about Angels had been destroyed. I gathered every book I could possibly find. There wasn't any useful information at all. All of them were full of crap.

Felix looked pale at dinner, too. What was bothering him? He barely ate anything.



𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋 [𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐍𝐉𝐈𝐍 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐗 𝐅𝐅]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz