Chapter 12

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Beyoncé pours herself a cup of coffee as teachers bustle in and out. She spots y/n and Blue out on the field talking to Onika . She watches them.
A HAND suddenly goes to her shoulder. Beyoncé jumps, sloshing her coffee. She turns to see Kelly .

Beyoncé : Damn it.

Kelly :Sorry.

Beyoncé dabs herself with napkins. Kelly sees y/n outside.

Kelly: Enjoying the view, I see.

Beyoncé :Don't start.

Kelly: Jeez, you're a little uptight.

For an instant Beyoncé looks like she might confide in her, but the moment passes.

Beyoncé :I'm late for class.

Beyoncé hurries out the door. Kelly watches her go.

Beyoncé enters just as the bell rings.

Beyoncé :Okay, take your seats.

She pulls some papers from her briefcase.

Beyoncé: I've graded your quizzes. Overall
you did a very nice job.

They hoot with victory, but are soon interrupted by HEADMASTER MEGAN PETE, who enters without knocking.

HEADMASTER Megan Pete:  Mrs. Peterson ...

Beyoncé: Ms. Pete. What a pleasant --

She stops cold when she sees Y/n entering behind her

HEADMASTER Pete: Good news. I've approved y/n's transfer to your class.
(to y/n)Find yourself a seat.

Y/n:  Thank you, ma'am .

Megan: Carry on.she says as she goes out the door.

Beyoncé follows Headmaster Pete out.
Beyoncé: Megan , wait ...

She turns impatiently.

Beyoncé: We've already covered quite a bit of material ...

HEADMASTER Pete: You said yourself when you requested the transfer --

Beyoncé: I didn't request the transfer. I
merely identified her as a possible candidate.

HEADMASTER Pete: And you assured me she's a bright girl. Her transcript bears you out. I'm sure she'll manage to catch up.

Beyoncé : But ...

HEADMASTER Pete: You can work with her after school until she does.

She turns and walks off.

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