Chapter 16

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Beyoncé sits on her desk in front of her students, holding a copy of "OEDIPUS THE KING." She avoids eye contact with y/n as she walks in.

Beyoncé :So class, we're going to have a little chill day today since I'm not feeling well. How many of you have seen Sister Act 2?

Only a few raised their hands

Beyoncé: We'll for the rest of you, you're in for a treat. So sit back and relax and enjoy the movie while I work on some paperwork.

End of class...

The bell rings and students jump to their feet.

Beyoncé : Ok class , that's it for today, we will get back to work tomorrow. Have a great rest of your day and be ready to work tomorrow.

The class files out while Beyoncé erases the board. But y/n lingers. When the last student is gone, she approaches.

Y/n: What the hell was that?

Beyoncé: What are you talking about?

Y/n: You ignoring me

She whips out a paper from her binder.

Y/n: And a "D" on the essay?

Beyoncé: You didn't write about the topic I
assigned. You're lucky I didn't give you an "F."

She gathers up her things and goes for the door. Y/n follows.

Y/n: Did you even read it? My topic was
way better than the one you gave.

Beyoncé: That's besides the point. You need to learn to follow the rules, Y/n.
Y/n grabs Beyoncé's arm before she makes it out the door.

Y/n:  Oh, like you do?

Beyoncé : Y/n, this is your final warning. If you don't let go of me you'll regret it. She says her voice laced with venom.

Y/n does, reluctantly. She hurries out.

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