Chapter 4

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Beyoncé drives while Blue and Y/N sit in back playing with their iPhones. Blue notices Y/N's  screen which displays custom themes and applications.

(re: Y/N's iPhone)
Blue: Dude, what the heck?

Y/N: Yeah, I jailbroke it. That's how I
get all my cool apps.

Blue watches with fascination as Y/n starts up a strange third- party application.

Blue: Is that legal?

Y/N: It voids the warranty, but it's
legal. I'll show you how after school if you want.

Beyoncé: Ok Here we are.
Beyoncé pulls through the Wilkerson Prep gates. Y/N looks out the window at the manicured grounds. She smiles with deep satisfaction.

As Blue pulls her cello from the back of the SUV, Beyoncé notices Y/N's  tie hanging loose around her neck.

Beyoncé: You'll get detention if that's not
tied properly.

Y/N: I tried. I've just never gotten
the hang of it.

Beyoncé: Here, let me help you.

Beyoncé straightens Y/N's collar, her fingers brushing against her skin.

Beyoncé : Hold your chin up a little.
She wraps and loops the tie, her face close to hers. She gazes at her eyelashes, her lips.

Beyoncé: There you go. Perfect.
She smooths the tie and smiles at her
Y/n: Thank you.

Their eyes linger on each other for a long moment, something passing between them. Beyoncé's smile slowly fades.

Blue: We're going to be late.

Beyoncé: Yes. Better get going.

Blue: Come on. I'll show you around.
They head off. Beyoncé blinks, unsettled. Y/n follows Blue , who grapples with her cello case through a mob of students.

Y/n: Need a hand?

Blue: I got it.
consults a slip of paper and leads y/n to a locker.

Blue : Here it is.

Y/n works the combination when North comes around the corner, a couple of her STOOGES in tow. She spots Blue.

North: Whatcha got in the case, Geek Girl?

Blue:Come on, North... I'm not in the mood for your crap today.

STOOGE:  Maybe it's a AK47.

North: Is That right? You goin' Columbine on us?

Blue: Believe me North you'd be the
first to know.

North: Oh, Geek Girl is trying to be funny.
You think you're funny? Huh?

North grabs the cello, but Blue hangs on tight. They grapple with it amidst hoots and from the stooges.
Suddenly, a HAND goes to North's neck.

Y/n: LET GO.

North writhes in Y/N's vice grip, then finally releases the cello. Y/n shoves her, nearly sending her to the floor.

North:What the --

North wheels around ready for battle, but the cold-blooded look in Y/N's eyes instantly unnerves her.

Y/n: Fuck with her , you fuck with me.
Y/n slams her locker and saunters off.

Blue gives North a shit-eating grin and follows.

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