Chapter 20

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Onika parks in front of the Knowles house. Blue, in the passenger seat, looks to the light glowing in the window.

Onika: She waiting up for you?

Blue: Na. I pretty much come and go as I
please. She cringes at how ridiculous that sounded.

Blue: Anyway, I had a really good time

Onika(polite): Yeah, me too.
She pulls a CD from her breast pocket and hands it to her.

Blue: Here, this is for you.

Onika :What is it?

Blue: It's me. My music, I mean.

Onika: Okay ...

Blue: Go ahead ... play it.

Onika: Now?

Blue slips the disk into the car's CD player. A METALLICA SONG played by a string quartet pours from the speakers. It's astonishingly good.

Onika: This is you?

Blue : On the cello.

Onika :You're really good.
She smiles, embarrassed but delighted.

Blue: I'd like to play professionally
some day. That's my dream anyway.

Onika : that's Cool.

Blue: Well, thanks for going with me ...
and driving ...
She leans in and gives her a tender kiss. Onika blinks with surprise and kisses her back.

Onika: Yeah, no problem.
Blue gets out of the car, but becomes tangled up in the seat belt. She shuts the door and looks through the open window.

Blue: Well, good night.
Onika waves and pulls away. A stunned smile broadens across Blue's face.
Beyoncé makes a cup of tea. Blue enters, adrenaline pumping.

Beyoncé :So, how'd it go?

Blue: She's really cool. I mean she just
gets it, you know? And you should have seen how much she dug my music.

Beyoncé: You let her listen to your music?

Blue: Yeah, I gave her a CD.

Beyoncé: Wow, BluBlu. That's ... big.
Blue sees the wariness in her eyes.

Blue :What?

Beyoncé :Nothing ...

Blue: You don't like her, do you?

Beyoncé : Of course I do, I just want you to be careful

Blue: Don't worry mama, I will be

Beyoncé : Ok, now go get ready for bed. I love you

Blue: I love you too mom, good night

The Girl Next Door Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora