“Don't call her,it.”

“See like that. Why do I have to call someone who's obviously a man,she? Now if he’s just a feminine man I would also be attacked for misgendering him.”

“But she's not a man. So stop calling her, him. Her pronouns are she/her”

“I feel like that's a bit insensitive to my experience as a real woman. He. . . She -sorry- won't go through a third of the things I have or will. How come he-”


“She gets to wake up and decide that she wants to be a woman.”

“I agree with that but don't say ‘real woman’. She's a real woman too, just a trans-woman. You don't have to agree with it or accept it but the least you can do is respect her and other trans people by using their correct pronouns. Especially in a class that is based on the human experience.”

“Are you trans or something?”


“Then why are you so down my throat about it if it doesn't concern you?”


“Because what?”

“It doesn't matter. Just be respectful”

“Is a loved one trans?”

Leigh-Anne and Perrie watched as the girl visibly tensed up.

“Think she's trans?” Leigh-Anne shushed Perrie.

“Wait, what if she is that's why she is so fired up” Perrie was trying to put the pieces together.

“She just said that she wasn't. Now be quiet” Leigh-Anne shushed her again.


Now the two girls were face to face.

“I said leave it alone”

“Fine. . . Jaden.” Jesy teased. She didn't think Jade was trans but she liked to push her buttons. She was shocked when Jade pushed her into the bookshelf behind her. Jesy pushed her back and they began to fight. Leigh-Anne and Perrie rushed to break them up.

“Violence is not the answer guys, come on” Leigh-Anne held her hand out for Jade helping her up. Perrie did the same with Jesy.

“Wanna come sit with us? We can have a cute little friend group.” Perrie offered with a smile. None of them noticed the library staff approaching them.

“I'm going to have to ask you to leave” He spoke quietly. Jade and Jesy went to grab their bags while Leigh-Anne and Perrie sat back down.

“You two too, all of you”

“We didn't do anything”

“It's fine Leigh-Anne. We can go chill in one of our dorms. You stay on Campus right?”

“No, I have a condo a few blocks down. You can come over, you guys can too but you have to leave the fighting here.” The four left the library following Leigh-Anne out of the building.

“You guys want to grab something to eat, first?” Leigh-Anne asked, she got two shrugs from Jade and Jesy.

“Yes! Pizza on Leigh-Anne” Perrie pointed to the pizza shop across the street.

Leigh-Anne brought the pizza and the first thing that Jesy noticed was the color of her card.

“Look” She tapped Jade who brushed her off.

“Don't touch me.”

“She has a black card” She whispered, grabbing Jade's attention.

“That's not real. It's probably a cash app card or something.”

“Unless she has a lot of money.”

“It doesn't work like that. They don't just give out black cards. You have to be invited in addition to being beyond wealthy. There is no way a freshman at a community college has a black card.”

“Thank you, Have a good day” Leigh-Anne tucked the card away taking the boxes of pizza.

They followed Leigh-Anne to a luxurious looking apartment building.

“What's wrong?” Jesy asked when she turned a corner asking her to hold the pizza. 

“My parents. Wait here for me please” They did as told while Leigh-Anne walked to her condo. 

“How was your first day?”

“Good, what are you guys doing here? How did you find me?”

“You thought that you could spend all this money on this place and we weren't going to come check it out?” Her dad asked, still looking around. 

“It's quite nice. I actually like it. We're sending Yendi here to keep an eye on you, make sure you focus on your studies and keep your space nice and tidy. I'm surprised that it's clean in here. If only your room was this organized at home.”

“It was nice to see you guys but I have a few assignments and I need peace and quiet so I'm politely asking for you to get on your way.”

Her parents looked at her.

“Please” She smiled when she saw them grab their bags. She knew they weren't really worried about her or how her first day went. They just wanted to see how much money she spent and what she spent it on.

“See you later Leigh-Anne”

“Bye mom, by dad. Safe Travels” She held her door open watching them get onto the elevator.

"You guys can come in now, I'm sorry about that”

Date:09 June 2023
Word Count: 1405

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