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Jake felt sick once he got kissed he didn't like it. He pushed her away as the crowd's awws turned into loud gaspes.

"What the hell!?" he shouted with a disgusted look on his face. He quickly put the microphone back into its slot and walked off the stage. He felt sick to his stomach and couldn't swallow his own spit. He kept wiping his lips as he walked into the empty hallways of the school. He turned around a corner and saw something that made his heart sink all the way to his stomach.

Drews p.o.v

Drew saw what happened in the crowd. His eyes got glossy as he found his head falling low as he walked out the auditorium, his heart feeling as if it was about to crush into small shards like glass. He felt his body go dull as he sat against the wall and began to cry. This is when he realized he had more than a crush on jake. Drew knew that he was in love with him. Which only hurt him more. Drew put his hand over his heart and gripped tight onto his shirt clenching his teeth trying not to start sobbing.

He felt every last ounce of strength in his body leave him as he felt the deepend pain wash all over his body he felt weak and useless as his heart pounded with pain. sorrow crawled alongside his body as he grew tense he let go of the tight clenched grip he had on his shirt and hugged around his knees his body crying for any form of comfort.

He began to feel sick from all the tears escaping from his body. His body got weaker as he got more dehydrated but he couldn't move he was stuck helpless right there. anyone could stumble upon his poor lost soul and broken heart.

3rd person.

Jake's face went from one of disgusted to one of worry as he sat next to Drew and put his arm around him.

"Dude what's wrong did something happen? Did she do it again!?" Jake said as he looked at drew he could tell something was very wrong. He felt horrible. He picked up Drew as he was crying at set him down on a seat sitting next to him wrapping his arm around him.

"Even if now is not the time ill be here for when your ready to tell me ok?" Jake said softly to comfort drew. It seemed to be working as drews hyperventilating stopped. Jake looked over to Drew after he calmed down. "so? what happened?"

Drew looked like he was angry from his heart he couldn't handle his emotions they were overwhelming him. He stood up angrily.

"Why do you have to do this to me! I hate you! I can't be normal when I'm around you! you're making me a freak and I hate it! but my body loves it and wants to be around you more. I just can't anymore!" Drew shouted as he walked away. That left Jake with a sore feeling in his heart he felt as if he had failed Drew. as if he was doing something wrong he couldn't help but feel hurt himself.. 

forgiven...drake (tmf) (OLD)Where stories live. Discover now