puches and slaps (tw cussing and vilonce) drew and jakes p.o.v

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"Zoey barnsfeild!" he shouted....

Zoey giggled "sombodys crancky~" she shoted through her laghter.

   "your sick Zoey!" jake shouted his voice full of anger as he was walking twords Zoey.
   " im sick? atlest i dont talk shit behind my freinds back." Zoey said her laughter fadeing and anger lased her voice.
   " Thats bullshit Zoey you always talk shit! You also like to cheet you fucking gold digger!"

Jake was now face to face with Zoey, Who was now pissed  but couldent say anything, at this point the whole school was looking at the two.
Zoey's face grew red with anger as she slapped jake across his face.

    "Fight! FIght! Fight!" kids in the croud shouted twords the two as jake grew more angry. His hands grew into fists again as he uper cutted Zoey. 

    "ow what the hell jake!" Zoey said as she fell the the ground.
    " you fucking asked for it!" jake shoted with posin laceing his toung as he death stared the girl who was now sitting on the floor with fear and anger in her eyes.

Zoey got back up onto her feet and takeled Jake. Jake fell to the ground with the gold digger ontop of him, Jake quickly flipped fover zoey grabbing her by the neck and slammed her agenst her locker. Zoey began kicking and scraching jake but it barly affected him as he tightened his grip.

      " jake... i cant.... i cant.... breath." Zoey said tears excaping her eyes as jake begain to feel a lump form i his throat. he dropped Zoey on the ground and began walking awway.

      "This isint over you fake cunt!" Zoey shouted twords jake, who was still vary pissed off. Shortly the bell rung and jake grabbed his bag and got up off of the bathroom floor and went to his next class. Jake was late and had no choice bur to sit by Drew. He sighed as he sat down not paying attion to anything and stayed lost in thought.

ugh... now the whole school hates me i have no chance of having freinds. ill have to swich schools... he thought groaning and covoring his face with his hands and slumping down in his chair.

       " Jake are you ok you look sick was it the fight you got in?" Drew said in a worry for his...ex best freind? Jake looked at drew with a glare. Drew shiverd .

pov swich

jeez.. he relly hates my guts....i mean i gess i understand i did preshure him. the stare was kinda.... idk threating and scary but also... attracive...? no drew thats discusting! what are you thinking you shouldent find him attractive! thats a guy. your not a disscusting freak!

drew thought to himself as a light blush crept across his face. he quickly shook his head and tried to pay attion to his sience teathers lesson. A lump appered in Drews throat and he startted tapping his leg his thoughts deepining.

ugh get  out of my head Jake! your not fucking gay drew!  he contued to thnk as the blush deepened on his face as he bagan to stare at the boy next to him. he relized how fucked up Jake looked and began to look worried.

    "Andrew im the theacher not jake!" the teacher shouted with a tone of anger in his voice. Drews face turned a bright red at he nerly jumped out of his chair.

    " I get it drew im handsome but no need to stare." jake chuckeld before slumping back down. Drew seemed to turn all 50 shades of red (Cough cough 50 shades of grey cough cough.)  Drew tryed not to stare at jake any longer and began paying attion.

Finnaly the bell rung, and lunch was starting. Drew quickly picked up his books and went to his locker. he quickly shoved them in and ran off wanting to avoid Zoey. He sat down with henry and Liam after grabbing a luch.

  "is jake going to sit with us today? He got into one hella a fight with zoey." Henry qushtioned.
  " Henry, i dont think so... llok hes sitting there alone." Liam said his eye brows furroing with worry.
  " im going over to his house later im sure ill be able to crack him open." Drew said with his usual tone of jelosey and anger.
  " actually im going over there now." drew said standing up.

a couple munuts ago with jake.

Jake sighed as he sat down at the dirty table were no one sits ever, he didint have lunch money for food so he didnt get any. He put on his head phones and began listing to music. to jake music felt like his only excape from the helll hole he was liv ing in at school. the words repeted in his ears as he felt a relton to the song. Jake set his head down on the table and hummed the song to himself.

    "alone again.."
    "alone again." the words of the song repeted to the chorses as he contunuid to hum silently to himself. thats until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He stopped humming and took off his headphones he lifted his head and saw drew.

   "what do you want."
   "i uhm- just was makeing sure you were ok." drew said with a flustered voice before a slight pink grew on his face.
   " seance when do you care?" jake said with slight anger befor rolling his eyes and putting back on his headphones.
Jake wached as Drew walked off before sighing and contuing to hum tohimself, as he heard the music in his ears he began emagining himself in the song. 
this time the song was more upbeat and happy then sad and relatable.

    "we like the cars! the cars that go boom!"  Jake contudend humming the beat and emagining himself blowing up cars. he was having fun with this until his head phones were pulled off. he heard laghter rerupt from a familer voice. he looked up to see the kids that had bullid him throughout elemenrty and middle school

1012 words

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