Lost in contemplation, Keagan was abruptly jolted back to reality as the shopkeeper snapped his fingers, drawing his attention. "Hey, kid, can I help you?" the shopkeeper inquired.

Caught off guard, Keagan quickly composed himself. "Oh, sorry," he responded sheepishly. "I was guided here by my system. I'm looking to purchase items to kickstart my heroic journey."

The shopkeeper's perplexed expression revealed his lack of understanding. "System? What the hell are you talking about, kid?" he questioned, seeking clarification.

At that moment, the familiar voice of the System interjected, its words resonating solely within Keagan's consciousness. "Apologies, Spectral Guardian," the System spoke, addressing Keagan directly. "I neglected to inform you. Only you can perceive my voice. Within this realm, others remain unaware of my existence. As an outsider, you alone possess the ability to hear and interact with me."

Keagan cleared his throat, seeking to rectify the misunderstanding. "Oh, sorry about that," he replied, his tone shifting to convey his revised intent. "I meant to say that I wish to acquire items for my inventory."

The shopkeeper nodded understandingly. "Do you have a suit?" he inquired, delving deeper into Keagan's needs.

"No," Keagan confessed. "I am without weapons as well. That's why I've come here—to purchase the necessary tools."

Recognizing Keagan's eagerness, the shopkeeper accessed a dashboard, swiftly inputting a series of squiggles that materialized into a holographic display. A vibrant array of suits and weapons materialized before them, each item meticulously crafted to cater to the needs of burgeoning heroes.

"Alright, kid. Let's start with some affordable options," the shopkeeper offered Keagan. he was spoilt for options, making it hard to choose just one, after all, he could buy all of them if he intended.

Amidst the holographic display of suits and weapons, the shopkeeper guided Keagan through the array of options, explaining their features and functionalities. Excitement coursed through Keagan as he examined each piece, imagining the possibilities they held.

As they perused the selection, a faint annoyance danced across the shopkeeper's face. His attention shifted momentarily to the entrance, where a young woman appeared, her expression tinged with impatience. Her eyes scanned the room until they locked onto Keagan, and she wasted no time approaching him.

The girl possessed an air of confidence and determination. Her attire exuded a sense of practicality and readiness for action. She wore a form-fitting suit of midnight blue, adorned with intricate silver trimmings that accentuated her athletic figure. The suit's fabric shimmered under the artificial lights, hinting at advanced technology woven within its fibers.

Her long, flowing ebony hair cascaded over her shoulders, accentuating her striking features. Her piercing gaze held a mix of intensity and kindness, mirroring the complexities of her character. As she moved with purpose, each step resonated with a silent assurance, showcasing the agility and strength she possessed.

"Are you the Spectral Guardian? The Central Hero Hub map tells me it's you" she inquired, her voice laced with irritation.

Caught off guard by her straightforwardness, Keagan hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, that's me," he responded, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

The girl's lips curled into a sardonic smile. "Finally, you showed up," she remarked, her tone dripping with impatience. "We're already running late, and I've been waiting for you all day. I can't afford to miss out on my attribute points. Where were you? I thought you received the notification in the morning?"

Urban Arcanum: Legendary Quest of the System WarriorWhere stories live. Discover now