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"Once we steal the meteorite we take it straight to the police." Diane says as the group stops outside of Marmalade's house.

"And all will be forgiven." Mr. Wolf says as he smiles.

"Not all but we'll see." Alexis says as the group then makes it inside where the meteorite is and sees the golden dolphin is unguarded.

"That's odd. He left the dolphin unguarded." Mr. Wolf says.

"Chances are there is a reason. Don't touch it." Alexis says.

"Come on. Maybe-" Wolf then gets cut off by Diane as he starts to touch the dolphin as Alexis and Diane try to stop him.

"Wolf no!" Diane shouts before the group gets zapped by the statue.


"Or maybe it was because it was a trap!" Alexis says angrily as the group is hanging upside down.

"Well, well. Isn't it my prize pupil and you've brought along the governor and her assistant. Or should I say the Crimson Paw and Ghost Paw. What a genius way to disguise a diamond. Hiding it in plain sight." Marmalade says as he comes over with a ring and takes the diamond from it.

"You gotta be kidding me." Mr. Wolf says as he looks at Alexis and Diane.

"What? I'm sentimental." Diane says.

"You always did have pin-ash and yet you fell right into my trap." Marmalade says.

"How'd you even know we'd be here?" Mr. Wolf asks.

"Oh I got a little tip from a friend." Marmalade says as the group sees Mr. Snake come into the room.

"Hey buddy! How's it hanging?" Mr. Snake asks as he smiles.

"Snake." Mr. Wolf says angrily.

"What can I say? We just clicked?" Mr. Snake says as he goes up to Marmalade.

"Oh yeah? How's it feel to be working for your favorite food?" Mr. Wolf asks.

"You're just jealous. Missing out on the heist of the century. It's got everything. Can I try it on?" Mr. Snake asks as he smiles at Marmalade.

"Of course." Marmalade says as he puts the helmet on Mr. Snake.

"All the crime with none of the exercise." Mr. Snake says as he smiles.

"What about all that flower of goodness talk? It was all just a lie?" Mr. Wolf asks.

"Pretty much yeah. You see I never cared about what's good only what's good for me! Like say a billion dollars! Ooh. I just got a tingle." Marmalade says happily.

"Go bad?" Mr. Snake asks as he begins to leave with Marmalade.

"Or go home. Cuddles. Finish them." Marmalade says as he and Mr. Snake leave before Cuddles opens a death trap below the group as they are being lowered toward it.

"Oh no! Poisonous gas! Don't breath it in you two!" Alexis shouts seeing a green smoke.

"Wait. That's not poisonous gas." Mr. Wolf says before Mr. Piranha, Mr. Shark and Ms. Tarantula come through a vent and take out Cuddles while talking happily about finally feeling the tingle of happiness.

"Okay guys that's great but a little help please!" Alexis shouts as Mr. Wolf's group releases them.

"Guys am I happy to see you! Now it's time to huff and puff and blow this little piggy's heist down." Mr. Wolf says before the group runs to the room where the meteorite is and begins to steal it before Mr. Snake and Marmalade walk into the room.

"Hi boys." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Don't mind us. We're just robbing this place." Mr. Wolf says as the group steals the rock and grabs the cat Mr. Wolf had saved earlier before fleeing.


"Now to get this thing to the chief and clear your names." Diane says as the group is happily cheering.

"We're usually running away from police." Mr. Shark says.

"Hey Chico are you sure we stopped the heist?" Mr. Piranha asks.

"Of course. Marmalade can't do anything without the rock." Alexis says.

"So who's driving those trucks?" Mr. Piranha asks as the group sees guinea pigs driving trucks.

"Okay I stand corrected. This thing is still giving a signal to those guinea pigs." Alexis says.

"Change of plan guys. Webs is there some way to over ride the truck's navigation system?" Mr. Wolf asks as Ms. Tarantula pulls out a computer.

"Uh we'd need some kind of cross circuit interceptor." Ms. Tarantula says as she types on her computer.

"You mean this?" Alexis asks as she pulls out a device.

"Ooh! They just keep getting cooler!" Mr. Shark says happily.

"We gotta split up! Webs feel like going on a little girls trip?" Diane asks.

"Uh yes! Later boys!" Ms. Tarantula says as she gets on a bike with Diane and leaves.

"Aww. I wanted to go on the girls trip." Mr. Piranha says sadly as Alexis jumps out the window and begins running on all fours.

"Don't feel sad. You can tag with me. We'll need to keep those trucks off Diane and Webs long enough for them to disable those trucks. Think you can handle it Piranha?" Alexis asks as she smiles.

"Man she's fast!" Mr. Shark shouts.

"Uh yeah Chica! Let's do it!" Mr. Piranha shouts as he jumps onto Alexis's back and begins sticking some devices on the trucks before all the trucks stop and begin to return to their original destinations as the group gets back together.

"Nice work." Mr. Wolf says.

"Meet us at the police station." Diane says as Alexis gets on her bike.

"And don't be late." Alexis says as she and Diane leave.

You're What I've Been Searching For The Bad Guys Mr. Wolf X OC AlexisDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora