Second Chance

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"The Bad Guys finally go bust and the furious fivesome have finally been arrested." The news lady says as Mr. Wolf's companions are put into a police truck.

"One at a time." Diane says as she and Alexis are with the news people.

"Yes. We'll answer your questions just please one at a time." Alexis says.

"Excuse me! Sorry to interrupt! I just wanted to congratulate the Governor and her Assistant here. I gotta say you really got us pegged. We're just a deep well of anger, self loathing." Mr. Wolf says as he walks toward Alexis and Diane.

"Denial?" Alexis asks.

"Sure. That too." Mr. Wolf says.

"Narcissism?" Diane says.

"So we're on the same page. Sadly we were never given a chance to be anything more than second rate criminals. If only there was someone who could help the flower of goodness inside us blossom. Some icon of love and forgiveness like uh I don't know mother Theresa? Best thing is to throw us in jail for the rest of our hopeless lives." Mr. Wolf says before the chief of police grabs him.

"That's the plan!" The chief of police says as she tries to force Mr. Wolf into the truck.

"Wait! Mr. Wolf maybe a savage beast. Basically walking garbage. Sorry. I'm making a point." Marmalade says.

"Do what you need to do pal." Mr. Wolf says as he smiles.

"But how can we say they're hopeless if they've never been given a chance? What if we tried a little experiment Diane, Alexis? As you know my gala of goodness. The charity event of the year is coming up. If I can prove to everyone at that gala that the Bad Guys have changed will you set them free and give them a clean start?" Marmalade asks as everyone looks at Alexis and Diane.

"Professor Marmalade! No, no, no! Don't you see what he's doing? He's playing you!" The chief of police says as she gestures to Mr. Wolf.

"But it was my idea." Marmalade says as he smiles.

"It was his idea." Mr. Wolf says as he shrugs.

"Only because you made him have it! Madam Governor you can't just let them go!" The chief of police shouts angrily.

"She is correct. This is a lot to go on for just an experiment." Alexis says.

"We can't risk the city's safety for an experiment professor." Diane says as she looks at Marmalade.

"Excuse me Governor and Assistant I seem to remember a wise person once said even trash can be turned into something beautiful when given the chance. That she and her friend both believe in that." Mr. Wolf says as he smiles at Alexis.

"If you are okay with it Diane I'll agree for now." Alexis says as she looks at Diane.

"Okay, okay. We're game. But only because it's you professor." Diane says as she looks at Marmalade.

"No!" The chief of police shouts.

"We'll hold onto the dolphin until the gala. Just to remove any unnecessary temptation." Diane says as she holds onto the trophy.

"Of course. You're the bosses. Now that everyone's happy I Rupert Marmalade the fourth shall turn the Bad Guys into the Good Guys!" Marmalade shouts much to everyone's shock.

"You know not everyone gets a chance like this Mr. Wolf. I hope you and your friends don't take it for granted." Alexis says as she sees Mr. Wolf get into the truck and leave with his friends.


"Trespassing, burglary, mayhem, assault with a deadly reptile!?" Diane asks angrily as she is holding a newspaper while at Marmalade's house with Alexis after hearing about an incident with the Bad Guys.

"Guys really? Those poor rodents have been put through enough as it is." Alexis says angrily.

"Diane, Alexis please-" Marmalade then gets cut off by Diane.

"Ooh. Okay. I'm sorry professor but I'm calling the chief." Diane says as she walks off.

"Sorry professor but my friend is right. This was a mistake." Alexis says as she leaves.

"Madame Assistant Governor! Alexis!" A voice shouts revealing to be Mr. Wolf as he runs over to Alexis.

"Don't even think about it Wolf. I'm not gonna change my friend's mind for some empty compliments." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Oh I see what's going on. You think I'm still a bad guy. Trying to bamboozle my way to freedom. but we changed. The flower of goodness is blossoming all over the place." Mr. Wolf says as he smiles at Alexis.

"Yeah. Sure you've changed. Don't you get tired of lying?" Alexis asks annoyedly.

"No. I mean... fudge. That was a trick question right?" Mr. Wolf asks as he and Alexis stop at the door as Diane is waiting in the car.

"We gave you a chance and you blew it. You had the chance to prove you are more than just a scary stereotype and you blew it. I don't if you're just too proud or gutless to take it but I can say you really should." Alexis says annoyedly.

"Gutless? Oh I'm sorry. Have we met? I'm the big bad wolf. The villain of every story. Guilty until proven innocent. Even if by some miracle we did change who would believe us? But of course you and miss prim and perfect over there wouldn't know anything about that would you?" Mr. Wolf asks.

"Oh no? Why don't you try that again?" Alexis asks as she shows a ring in her hand.

"How'd you do that?" Mr. Wolf asks as he checks his body.

"We're both wolves genius. We might be on different sides of the law but we're no different from each other. And the same goes for Diane. A wolf and a fox are not that different. besides there's much more to people than meets the eye. You just have to show them that. Maybe they will believe you and maybe they won't. I can't make them believe anything and neither can Diane. All we can do is give you the chance to show them for yourselves." Alexis says as she gives Mr. Wolf the ring.

"Wait. So you're not gonna call the police?" Mr. Wolf asks.

"Nope." Alexis says as she smiles.

"You sneaky little minx. You're full of surprises Mrs. Assistant Governor." Mr. Wolf says as he smiles.

"Got your attention did we? Take our advice wolf. Take your chance. We can't do it for you. But believe it or not Diane and I are rooting for you. Especially me." Alexis says as she gets in the car and leaves with Diane.


Later as Alexis is in her room she soon gets a notification from Marmalade and sees a video he posted of Mr. Wolf saving a cat from a tree.

"I knew you could do it. Good job Wolf." Alexis says as she smiles.

You're What I've Been Searching For The Bad Guys Mr. Wolf X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now