Don't forget the cake.

45 7 2

4pm. in the bus on the way home.

-Life brings you to unexpected places.

But love, brings you home.

''We gonna visit english dude right?''

''Yeah he's not as scary as i thought, his name is Jason aparantly'' Kayla starts winking at me in the most annoying way. ''oooooh i think you like him.'' i hit her arm. But she pulls her arm back. i tend to always hit them when i'm mad but they were used to it, sadly. ''He said 6 words.'' We start laughing and the bus stops at the busstop near my neighbourhood. ''Bye kayla.'' i say giving her the most annoying smile possible. Me and Julie get out and walk toward my house. ''That house is scary as f.'' Julie says as we pass 'the empty house'. i sigh as i look at it. ''i know. . .'' It's supposed to be white but It hasn't been renovated in ages. The garden turned into a freaking jungle and the wooden front door gives me the creeps. We finally arrive at my house. ''What's up'' my brother says to us as he gets in his car. ''I'm going to pick up Leslie from her friend see ya in a bit.''

''Oh such a nice,caring brother you are.'' I say in the most fake way. He laughs and drives away. We walk toward the living room and put our bags on the couch. ''Hi mom, did you go to the english people today?'' She kisses my forhead.''nope but why don't you go?''

''Hi Alison!''

''Oh hi Julie! see i just made this cake. Why don't you 2 visit the Wilkinson's and bring this cake and tell them i made it for them.'' i grab the cake and nod. ''Let's go to the empty house. I say it in the most scary way possible and her expression changes into a very annoyed one. We walk outside toward the house at the end of the street. As we stand in front of it we look at it first. ''Are you sure you wanna go in?'' i nod. ''I've never been inside, I wanna see it now.'' i take a deep breath and walk through the gate on the path toward the front door and knock on it. I could hear footsteps through the hallway. ''Hello! you must be Shailene! she shakes my hand full of enthusiasm. ''And what's your name dear?'' We look at eachother and i always knew she hated english accents. ''I'm Julie.''

''come in come in!'' We walk through the hallway toward the living room. ''Oh,my mom made this for you.'' i hand her the cake. ''Oh how kind!'' Have a seat!''

Julie goes and sits on the couch in front of Miss Wilkinson. ''Do you mind if i take a look at the house? i've been living here all my life but never really went inside. . .'' she nods. ''Ofcourse! Jason is upstairs.'' It looks alot bigger than i expected. It's not as dark as i thought it would be. i guess i had too many horror ideas about it, well besides the people who killed themself here. i walk upstairs. ''Jason?'' no one anwsers.

I walk through the hallway and i start to hear as if someone is playing piano. I start to get that sick feeling again. I follow the sound of the piano and eventually end up in front of a huge door. It's open so i walk in. It's jason playing piano. I stand and just stare for a while listening to him playing piano. I feel the tears streaming down my face as i have a flashback of my dad playing piano and the little me sitting next to him reading the notes in the book. i wipe away my tears and walk toward him. ''Jason?'' He stops playing and turns around. ''Shailene? What are you doing here?''

''I'm sorry i just wanted to see the house I'm with Julie, she's downstairs with your mom.'' He shakes his head and smiles. ''It's okay, do you play?'' He points at the chair in front of the piano and i sit and put my hands on the keys. ''I haven't played since i was 8. . .'' My hands were shaking like crazy. ''It's okay what do you remember?'' I could hear him talk but i didn't listen. I have trouble breathing and it starts to become really hot as i have a flashback of my dads hands on top of my hands to help me play the piano. now i had to do it all myself. ''I can't do it myself. . .'' I say as a tear escaped my eye. ''It's okay i could help you''

''No!'' I get up and see his shocked and dissapointed face. ''I-i'm sorry, i just. . .'' another tear escaped my eye and i couldn't stop the movie in my brain of me and my dad as i look at the piano. ''Are you. . .okay?'' I turn away from the piano and walk toward the door to go downstairs. ''I'm fine, I'm sorry. I should go.'' I walk downstairs and tell Julie we should go. ''It was so nice meeting you 2!''

''Same miss Wilkinson!'' Julie says. ''Oh call me sandra.'' i could see Jason on the stairs looking at me with confusion as we walk out the front door on our way to my house.

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