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Alexa knew how close she and Tom were getting. She knew he had been there for her through all she had been through. She was worried that people would frown upon their relationship. Which worried her.

She knew how her sister had been turning a blind eye to the whole thing. She was thankful as she knew Charlie could easily ruin it all. But she hadn't.

Alexa hadn't seen Rachel since she had come out of the hospital. She knew she missed her mum. But she didn't want to put in effort if Rachel wasn't going to.

She needed a mum. But it felt like Rachel wasn't interested. All she was interested in was Adam and making sure the school was running.
Alexa felt like she didn't have a mum at all.

All she knew was that she was stuck in a constant loop of wanting her mum to be there for her. But she was rarely there. And it sucked.

Morning came and she heard her sister downstairs. She grabbed her dressing gown and left the bedroom. She walked downstairs and smiled as she saw Tom. "Morning," she said.

Charlie turned to her and smiled. "Hey good morning. How are you?" She asked as she handed her some coffee.

"I'm okay. I was thinking about maybe going back to school today. I've been off for a couple of weeks so I thought it would be good for me to try?" Alexa said.

Charlie nodded. "If you feel comfortable enough. I only want you to be okay," she told her.

Alexa smiled and nodded. She looked to her. "Thank you. It means a lot to me. That you've taken me in and you're looking after me," she said.

"Always. I'm gonna go. I said I'd have breakfast with Max. So no misbehaving," Charlie said as she smiled and left.

Tom took Alexa into school. She smiled and walked off. She saw Rachel who looked to her. "Hi love. You okay?" She asked.

Alexa nodded and smiled. "I'm okay. I love being with Charlie. She looks after me and keeps me safe," she told her.

Rachel frowned. "I keep you safe."

"You don't. And that's fine. You have a school to look after. I'm happy with my sister. Trust me," Alexa said as she looked to her.

Rachel sighed. She knew how her daughter wasn't herself. She was worried. And she wanted to make it work. But she didn't seem interested.

Alexa smiled as she walked into tom's classroom. She saw him and smiled. "Hey. I have a free. So I thought I'd spend it with you," she told him.

Tom nodded. He looked to her. "Well I'm glad. I haven't had a pretty girl spend the day with me in a long time," Tom said as he pulled her close. He smiled. "Are you okay?"

Alexa nodded. She smiled. "I'm okay. It's weird being back after so long. But I'm okay," she told him as she sat on the desk.

Tom looked to her. He knew he had feelings for her. But he didn't want to push her after all she had been through. But could they make it work? Despite knowing how forbidden it was.

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