CH 29

232 16 4

Starting Over Again

Jisoo was stoned on the bed, Jennie just said that they should end things up. He can't believe it.

In just two days, everything went wrong, they fought over small things, then broke up and now the engagement.

He thought of his future, his future full of Jennie's image and now everything seems slowly fading just because of some petty fights.

He kissed her hands and cried in front of her. "Baby." He called. "Don't do this. Let's just talk things through, don't leave me." He pleaded.

Jennie was stopping herself from bursting into tears seeing him break down.

"I love you Jen. I love you. Let's stay together. I wanna marry you, please.." He pleaded. "Give us a chance baby. I promise I'll be more patient and understanding."

Jennie held his face and wipe his tears away, her tears are falling from her pretty face. She can't afford to see him this way.

"Breaking up isn't the solution to our problem baby. Let's face it together. I love you. Please Jen. Don't you love me anymore?" He asked.

"I love you Jisoo. But—" She wasn't able to finish as Jisoo cupped her face and kissed her. That's all he wants to hear from her.

He's pouring all his emotions, his kiss was as if he's convincing her to hold on.

"Please Jendeukie. Stay with me." He whispered and captured her lips once more.

Jennie couldn't hold back any longer and returned the kiss.

Their kiss is slow, taking their time in making themselves feel loved through it.

They broke off as they needed to feel the air. Jisoo was still cupping her face.

"I love you Jen. I'm sorry for what I did." He mumbled.

Jennie hold onto his arm as she lowered her head. "I'm sorry too." She cried. Jisoo hugged her tight.

"Please Jendeukie tell me, are we together again?." He asked.

Jennie broke the hug and made him face her. "No." She said. Jisoo opened his eyes wide.

"Please give me some time. Let's take our time. We shouldn't rush on things." She said.

"You mean.."

"I mean we're friends for now. We should start over again as friends." She said and wipe her tears.

Even though he's not in favor of it, he has to respect her decision. He'll just take this chance to slowly make their relationship back to normal again.

He nodded his head reluctantly as Jennie took their engagement ring off her finger as well as the necklace.

He hang his head low and heave a deep sigh.

"I'm taking these off since we're both just friends for now. I'll wear them back if we're both ready to commit again." She smiled.

Jisoo shake his head. "I'll wait for you to be ready, cause I will always be ready to continue what we had." Jennie smiled at him.

"I love you Jen." He said kissing her forehead.

While the two were talking inside, there were three people outside, Rosé was restraining Jinhwan from going inside when they heard cries from the two former lovers.

"Ruby might be hurting!" Jinhwan worriedly said.

Lisa was standing on the door to prevent him from interrupting the two.

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