Husna:""" ahh!! Marriage !!! Again!!^^^

Mahnoor:"""" don't you want to get marry husna""??

Husna:""" I want..!! But..
             Leave it!! Let's try another one ..


Mustafa came back after a leave to kaleels Co.

And Anwar was already there in Mustafa's cabin waiting for him..

As mustafa arrived he ask him to come along with him ..
Anwar took mustafa to kaleels home in the car...
As he stopped the car in front of the house ""

Mustafa:""" whose house is this... where did u bought me"""

Anwar:""" It's kaleels home""

Mustafa:"""" What am I doing here""?? Y did u bring me here Anwar...

Anwar:"""" come along with me mustafa..""

Mustafa:""" drive me to the company now itslef",,,

Anwar:""" Mustafa calm down.. there's something u need  to know ..... and as kaleel is at the co. It's the right time to say you everything u don't know..

Mustafa:""" What is this stupid case!! Man ... and why do you want to interfere in his life ...

Anwar:""" I'm kaleels nephew""

Mustafa:"" (in shock)... what!!?

Anwar:"" yes.. I'm his nephew and also his manager... his secrets are buried in me...
I actually wanted to say
That .... I love riha ..kaleels daughter..

(((Mustafa  was  hyper and confused at the same time.. he got out of the car... and stood there ...)))


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Mustafa:"" come here anwar":!!!
What's this going on...
Why did u hid this from everyone.. and why are u going against your own uncle..??

Anwar:""" if u would hear his truth ... you will leave this Co.  ..

Mustafa:""" What kind of truth"",,

Anwar:"""I love riha and wanted to marry her..even riha loves me..
But uncle kaleel won't let this happen.. as I'm not as intelligent as u in his sight to run this co.

Mustafa:"" intelligent ""??
And if riha loves you ... ask her to tell her dad ..

Anwar:""" that's what she can't do... there's a different story behind it..

Anwar was about to say but.. as usual .. Mustafa's agents called him once again to visit as he didn't go earlier...
Mustafa within no time went off .. because the murder mystery was much more important to him than this love story!!

Mustafa went to the police station .. where his agents called him as they found a proof... what all Belongings and things that were spread around the dead man was taken to forensic lab long back ...and they gave back other things few days before ..After several tests that was left with him ... and there were few papers in a file..

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