64.Letting his wife deal with the runaway bride

Start from the beginning

Var- Avi, I've booked a cab.

Avu was brought back from her thoughts when Varsha's voice entered her ears. And she nodded in acknowledgement. The two girls descended down the stairs of the temple campus and stood at a corner waiting for the cab to arrive.

Though the next series of things happened in blurr. They were busy chatting and not even realize when the cameras of media even approached them. The flashing light of cameras and the sudden commotion of reporters that surrounded them without any warning left them flabbergasted.

They swiped a quick glance around them and panicked more finding almost no way to get out of it. There wasn't much crowd around the temple and the few shopkeepers around them were busy comprehending what's happening.

On seeing this, the journalists bombarded their questions, which made Avu even more nervous.

What's your relation with the Nigam's ? We have spotted Mrs.Vibha Nigam with you the other day ?

Are you the same mystery girl who was caught kissing Mr. Nigam on that event ?

Which kind of relationship you guys share ? Are you trying to seduce him ?

Why are you with him ? He is one of the most richest and eligible bachelors of the country, you want his money ?

She couldn't catch any idea to find any escape and was now cursing herself for sending the bodyguards back. Their absurd questions were causing her head to burst.

Avu- please let me go.

She spoke softly and tried to move away but someone from the crowd pushed her causing her to clash with one of the cameras and pain busted on her forehead. Tears gathered in her eyes and she once again pleaded them to let her go, then again and again and again. But nothing fell on their ears as if it was their mission to torture her that way.

Though this time the media panicked and started scattering away after the siren of police was heard. Varsha, who had somehow come out of the media circle as she was not their target, ran towards Avu, pushing the media away. With the help of the cab driver and she managed to bring Avu in the cab.

It was Varsha's idea to play the police siren recorded tune in the temple's speakers which is used to play the hyms.

Tears rolled down from Avu's eyes while she heaved to catch her breaths. Varsha wipes away the blood from Avu's forhead from her scarf. Thankfully the cut wasn't much deep but yet will take time to recover. The driver didn't have to told further and he exclarated the cab in full speed.

Varsha guided Avu through the corridor to her apartment. To their surprise Avnish was already having tea with Varsha's parents when they entered inside the apartment. In past month Avu have bonded quite nicely with Varsha's parents. The couple is very humble.

Avn- how did this happen ?

Concern etched on his face as he witnessed the disheveled state of his sister.

Var- let her sit

He nodded and held Avu by her shoulder and guided her to sit on the sofa. Varsha's anxious mother hastily served her water meanwhile Varsha brought first aid box. While cleaning the wound which was right in the middle of Avu's forehead, Avnish took the sticking plaster that Varsha had given to stick on Avu's scrapped forehead.

The doorbell rang as if was being pressed with all its might but Avnish was busy with his sister and Avu was still thinking about whatever happened earlier. Gesturing her mother Varsha went to open the door.

And next second her eyes met with the familiar pair of hazel orbs that had worry floating in them. His forehead was creased with lines of concern and his eyes remained bored into her as he took further steps in the living hall. However she in sometime casted her eyes down, now panicking about his scoldings.

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