28.Was he playing around with me ?

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Siddharth returned back to his room from office and found the room empty. No one was there not even in the bathroom or in the balcony.

Sid pov
Where is she? I didn't even see her downstairs.

He quickly dialled the service number of his house and the call was picked up within few couple of seconds. The call was received by Rita.

Rita- yes Mr. Nigam

Sid- where is she ?

Though Sid didn't mentioned the name but it was very easy for Ms. Rita to guess about whom is he asking ?

Rita- sir she left for upstairs in the evening and after that she didn't came out of her room

Sid stayed silent while Rita sensed that something is really wrong.

Rita- is everything okay sir ?

Sid- tell everyone to check the whole mansion.

He ordered in a curt tone and Rita quickly understood what his words exactly means

Rita- okay sir, I'll tell everyone to find mam

And without wasting any second Sid hanged up the call and marched out off the room.

Sid- I thought she won't try to escape after we made that deal

He huffed and started searching for her. All the servants was running here and there in the mansion in search of her, panting and sweating. Sid was now getting irritated from this regular drama and his temper was raising.

I think she is not in the mansion. She is now testing my patience. I've to search her outsi..

Serv- Sir

Sid's thought get broken by a servant's voice. He moved his eyes and found a servant coming towards him running and breathing heavily.

Serv- sir, we found mam

The servant said while heaving to catch his breath. Sid was a little surprised by it as he had very less expectations that they will find her in the mansion.

Sid- where ?

Sid asked, though he was impatient to confirm it but his facial expressions didn't let his impatience to be revealed.

Serv- sir this way

The servant then lead Sid to where they have found Avu. They stopped at the large balcony of the mansion near the last corridor. The balcony was decorated elegantly and gives a beautiful view.

Sid furrowed his brows when he found her sleeping on the soft couch with few books lying around her. She have been curled up in a ball because of the cold atmosphere.

Here everyone is searching her madly from past thirty minutes and she is sleeping being all nonchalant. Mom says right, a kid can make you run in the whole house.

Sid slightly glanced at the faces of others who were wearing a satisfied and happy smiles instead of any frown and irritation.

Sid- dismiss

He ordered and the workers left from there after bowing lastly at him.

Now, let's wake up this little monkey kid.

Sid- umhh (clearing his throat) Ms. Bandariya.. Ms. Bandariya.. Ms. Bandariya wake up.

She stirred in her sleep but didn't bother to wake up. He shook his head in annoyance and jerked her arms a little.

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