Cam blushed as well.

"I've enjoyed being your partner. I'm still not over you dropping me for Felicia, though," she teased.

He chuckled, and the two dialed Felicia's number.


"Felicia, are you in the right position to talk?' Peter asked.

On Felicia's end, she was in the lobby of the building, helping with the front desk. She looked around to see multiple workers in the lobby, along with guards. Her gut told her to step out.

"Hold on real quick. I'm going to step into another room," she finally answered.

She let her other desk mate know she was going to step out into the front of the building to take a call.

She exited the doors, holding the phone up to her ear.

"I'm here. Who is this?"

"It's Spider-man. Camila caught me up on what happened. I had an encounter with Robert yesterday as well. I have a plan on how to get help for Robert. Can we meet in person to discuss this?"

Felicia looked behind her inside the window. A few guards were looking in her direction. They slowly changed their gazes to somewhere else.

"Yeah, we should definitely choose a location. I have a gut feeling I'm being watched," she replied in a whisper.

"By who?"

"The guards at VorroTech."

"Thought so. Let's meet at the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park tonight at  eight," Spider-man suggested.

"See you there."

With that, the phone call ended.

"I think they're watching her," Peter turned to Cam.

He explained the gist of their phone call.

🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸

Peter pulled down his mask, stepping out of his room, fully suited up.

He and Cam went to a few different stores beforehand to buy a few things he'd need for his heist. Cam also needed clothes and essentials for her temporary stay at Peter's.

Cam had Peter's laptop opened on her lap. She had multiple tabs open such as an audio call with Peter, his location, and most importantly, blueprints and maps of the VorroTech building she had saved in the past during her spontaneous investigation.

"I'll be back after we get the absorber. Please lock everything up when I go. And you'll be in my ear, so talk to me anytime you need," Peter told Cam sweetly.

She just smiled at him and looked down at the computer screen to readjust some things.

He stood for a second, just watching her. He really liked Cam. Way more than he should've. Michelle had helped him greatly in his previous adventures, but he felt a different connection with Cam for some reason. Whatever it was, it was a nice feeling.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Cam joked with a laugh, snapping Peter out of his thoughts.

He turned as red as a tomato under his mask. Thank God she couldn't see him.

"Right, sorry. I gotta go. My bad. See you when I get back."

She just laughed again and waved as he climbed out the window, Cam locking it behind him.

🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸

Peter flipped down onto the top of the historical Terrace. He scanned the area below him. As it was eight o'clock, the park wasn't necessarily packed, but it wasn't empty either.

He spotted the blonde girl he'd previously met, sitting at a secluded bench under a tree, off to the side of the main walking area.

He swung to her bench and sat right next to her.

"Spider-man! Good to see you again," Felicia's vocal volume was still lower.

"Thank you for meeting me. Obviously, you saw what's become of Robby right now. Camila told me all about your experience with him yesterday. It turns out that I was the one who entered his apartment right after you. That definitely explains some stuff."

The girl just shrugged and sighed.

"Do you know if he's ok? Have you seen or heard from him?" She asked.

"No. That's why it's our job to first get the cure, and then find him and use it on him," Peter explained. "Walk with me. We need to constantly be moving... you never know."

Obviously, Spider-man would draw a lot of attention, so they walked through the very wooded paths of the park, still having fans approach him from time to time.

Peter explained what the symbiote was and his heist at VorroTech a few nights ago.

"So, my heist partner and I stole the symbiote and a few files about it,"

Carrying the box and a couple of files on the goo, the two made their way to the exit of the lab.

"Unfortunately, we were in a rush, so the files we grabbed were nothing about how the organism would basically possess its host. However, we did grab a paper detailing how to remove it from its host. Although, the studies they did were only on small rodents, so it could be different for Robert."

"So, you're saying that it may not remove it from a human?"

"There's a possibility, but we have to try, right?"

She just nodded at that as they kept walking.

"So, how do we remove it?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"In the file we grabbed about removal, it said we needed the VorroTech-made 'absorber.' It's like a souped-up syringe according to the diagram on one of the papers," Spider-man explained. "You insert it in the host's skin and turn it on. It only sucks out specific organisms, which in this case, would be the symbiote."

"Got it. So we get the absorber, find Robby, and use it on him?" She concluded.

"Basically. But I doubt it'll be as easy as you made it sound," he chuckled.

"How do we get it?"

"The lab I broke into with the goo. I would assume that's where it is. But, because of me and my partner's intrusion, I guarantee security has sky-rocketed in that area."

"That would make sens-" Felicia was cut off by a police officer jogging up to the two.

"Sorry to interrupt. Spider-man, huge fan! But that's not the point. There's a man with crazy tentacles and black lines on his body! He's attacking people down in the park! We have officers down there trying to contain him, but it's like he's bulletproof!" The cop rambled out.

Spider-man and Felicia shared a look before Peter faced the cop again.

"Take me to him."

A/N: Just wanted to provide clarity. The Venom I'm portraying is not exactly like the ones in the movies. I wanted to add my own twist to the symbiote and how it works with its hosts.

Have a great day/night!

Have a great day/night!

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Some Way Home? ⇝ Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now