He gaze back towards suga and leaned towards his ear whispering " that I has to kill him infront of you "

yoongi punched min hoo straight at his face making other to stumble back

" don't forget your boyfriend's family is in our hands mr min yoongi " he shouted pointing gun towards minji

Jungkook instant paused , a guard walked to him making him in his knees pointing gun at his head

He looked at tae who is hugging his daughter and avoiding her from the gun point

Jungkook felt hurt at the site of tae bruised cheeks wounded lips

Same goes to yoongi he is aslo in the gun point and on his knees

For a moment all thing become silent they don't want to make a wrong move causing tae and min ji's life in danger

Hoo jin closed his eyes and inhailed air to calm him down he cracked his head sideward and open his eyes with a smile which makes anyone tremble at that site the smile of a maniac

" brother do you like when i kill your boyfriend family or your brothers family " saying he take back his gun from them

" so try to control your anger and make a solution for the problem dr please make him understand you are well educated , so you can understand better "

" what you want " jimin asked making latter smile wider like a infant who got his faviorate candy " that's what i want to here ! " he exclaimed while walking towards jimin

" move from him how dare to touch my brother in law " he pushed the guards away from jimin and made him site at a single couch , he pulled a chair infront of latter , making himself sit their

all of them are looking at his behaviour which is changing faster than a lizard change its colour

" jiminah i am being straight forward i want my power so try to understand your boyfriend to stop coming infront of my path , then i will leave your family and will not hurt or even come infront of you " jimin scoffed at his words

" leaving us without hurting ?! after hurting us , your dad kill my hyung , you tried to kill my yoongi hyung , now harmed my family , min hun sik " jimin turned to the elder who is pointing the gun at mr park

" i am giving you a free advice go to your son and wife and try be a good husband and a good father if you wish to live more , your father and brother is not going to see tomorrow's sunrise anyway "

Hoo jin left all his patient he stood from his seat in anger making the chair fall backwards

he raise his hand to beat latter when yoongi kicked him

" guards kill that bastard " hoo jin yelled pointing at yoongi

taehyung covered minji in his coat covering her ears afraid she may wake at the noise he troubled a lot to make the crying baby sleep

after they attack his family , she was crying like no tomarrow seeing the unknown faces and her injured grandpa

hearing thier boss command guard started to attack them and brothers tried their best to not give up

jungkook wrestles the guard's arm and combats the counterattack with a flying kick. He keeps the oncoming punches at bay and lands one good punch into his stomach making him groan and collapse

jungkook moved to other guard while yoongi capture a guards stick and using it to knock aside two guards

He moves on by kicking down two more guards before plunging the pointy end of the stick into another guard's throat . He strike down another and then put him down with a few punches.

Lastly he walked forward to hoo jin noticing it last guards come against in his way , he responds with a flip kick and knock them out

He was about to punch hoo jin when he heard a groan in pain

Tae - jungkook turned only to see min hoo pulling Tae's hair pointing gun at him

" back away or i will kill him " he threatened

" tie them on the chair " gaurds did as he say

" we was tried to speak with you but you choose violence so i am giving my goodbyes to park family and my dear brothers , i really gonna miss you "

" wait a minute " saying he turned to yoongi " you know one thing yoongi last time I really enjoyed seeing the way your blood flowing out from you , but this time let me give you more pain you will die seeing your loved ones pain "

" you bastard fucking pyshco " jungkook yelled making him laugh

" wish you a happy family vacation my brother " hoo jin signalled guards when they get some oil can and started to pour on each and every corner , the curtains

" stop it don't do that " jimin shouted

Mr Marriage Breaker -  a Yoonmin ffWhere stories live. Discover now