😵Muddled Head👄

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It was very bright. I covered my eyes.

'What's wrong?' The voice became gentle again.

'I can see the bright light in the end of the tunnel. Am I dead already?' I don't remember my death!

'What nonsense are you sprouting? Stop it already.' Gentle then hard, hard then gentle. This person has a voice problem.

'Are you an angel? Or a soul collector?' I slowly uncovered my eyes. The surrounding became much darker.

'I am in the underworld already!' Just now I was in a brightly lit place!

'If you won't stop talking nonsense then I will make you stop I'm warning you.' The voice is angry now.

'Are you going to torture me to death! Oh! But I am already dead!' I asked with bewilderment.

'You...!' Suddenly somebody pressed me to the wall and tightly held my waist and......

Kissed me....???!!!

Then I really stopped talking.

What method is this Mr. Soul collector!

He blocked my mouth by pressing his lips on mine. For the first 10 seconds he didn't move at all. Then abruptly he pulled back.

I saw the face for the first time tonight.


'What!..... How.....' Am I seeing things!

I tried my best and focused my gaze on his face.

It is Tay! And right now his heated gaze fixed on my lips.

No way!

I struggled to shove him off from me but in the next second he again put his lips on mine. I hadn't had time to react when he fiercely captured my lips. I tried to struggle but all my strength has left my body.

What's happening! Am I dreaming! Why in my dream I am kissing Tay not Earth!

In the meantime he started to suck and nibble my lips one by one. Then a sweet tasting tongue pushed inside, invading my mouth. It impatiently ran across my teeth and forcefully plundered. His actions rough yet tender and carrying an unmistakable, irrepressible dominance. I unconsciously sank into the pleasure ignited by his touch.

An eternity later, Tay finally withdrew from my mouth. I was dizzy and dazed. I absent minedly touched my sore lips. They were swollen.

Suddenly a familiar ringtone started to ring.

This is a special ringtone. Earth is calling.

Right Earth!



I just kissed Tay!

But I am married!

A sudden headache made me clutch my head in both hands. What am I doing!

Ahh! It's like my head is splitting in halves.

'New? New? Are you alright?' Tay grabbed my wrist.

'Don't touch me.' I shrunk back.

'Just..... Just sit down here...' He guided me towards the sofa despite my protest.

'Here....Drink some water.' He handed me a glass.

'No.' I stubbornly refused.

'Please New..... Listen to me na...' His soft voice was laced with worry.

'I want to die.' I covered my face. I really really am disappointed in myself.

'Not again!' Tay said with a hint of helplessness.

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