Part 3 (Couldn't find a good name so eh)

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She blushed. "Thanks for not doing anything to me..."

"No problem. I get sustenance from you being in there. Also, your clothes back~" He suddenly dropped the clothes that the bully's had stolen into his mouth, dropping them directly into his stomach. A few seconds later something heavy hit the dumpster, and the sound of a bone cracking echoed through the alley.

"What how did you get them?" She laid down, confused. 

"I knocked the boys who stole them unconscious and unceremoniously dragged them over here and took them back. I've been watching you for a while, y'know. Your actions intrigued me, and I just HAAD to get a taste, y'know?~" He burped, then pat his stomach. 

"Why are you so helpful to me?" She asked. "Nobody has ever done that for me before...." 

He tapped his chin, as if in thought"You've been good prey, and you seem like a nice person."

"Glad that you think that way..." She mumbled. All her life, people had always complained that she was too weird and annoying. What was making this guy to suddenly like her?

He had almost gotten the right level of squish before his belly popped out again, knocking him back on his feet and making him hit the floor. His stomach instantly squished a bit to improve maneuverability, but it wasn't really helpful.

"Um, what's going on?"

"O-ow..Belly popped out, you take up a lot of space missus." He backed up onto a wall and just massaged his belly, hoping to soothe the pain.

"Sorry about that.." She started to feel a little guilty and started to rub his insides once more.

"No need to feel guilty, little one! You are completely fine~"

Writer's Note: Well, sorry this is my first time doing a vore rp and posting it, just copy and pasting and editing, adding and all those crap people have to do to make it more intruiging. And there's still much more to write so wish me luck, guys!


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