I'm not going to kill you

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Cherry let out a burp as he smooshed his belly and hid behind the dumpster. His belly released a bubbly noise from a liquid inside his belly. It wasn't acidic but it was soothing. "Where are you? I'll let you figure that out yourself~" He giggled then lay atop his belly trying to keep them squished but as comfy as possible.

It took some moments for Brie to realize her scenario. She began to struggle and punch his stomach walls. 

"Let me out of here!" She wailed." I don't wanna die here!"

He burped once more than giggled. "Silly humans" He said." Always thinking they're going to die everytime something bad happens. Look, I'm not going to kill you I just need a quick meal~" He rubbed his stomach, trying to soothe the pain of the punches and soothe Brie.

She paused. "How can I be so sure you're telling the truth?" She tried to sound courageous and sassy but it was obvious she was terrified.

"Well, if I wanted to kill or digest you, you would already have been a melted pile of pudge." He wasn't fooled by her false bravado, still soothing and massaging both his stomach and her. " Just calm down, you're making it hard for me to focus on my book".

She sighed, knowing that there was nothing she could do to get out. She started to rub his insides, maybe as some sort of thank you for not harming her.

"Mmhh~" he said, clearly enjoying it.

As she continued to rub, a random thought came to her head. "Wait a minute." She thought. "He's massaging me with two hands. What the fuck is he using to hold his book?"

"Um, I have a question." She said meekly.

"Yes, little prey?" He had by this point stretched his legs out and set his belly on it, while massaging, on said legs. "What is it that you need?"

"What are you using to hold your book if you're using two hands massage your belly?"

"Tentacles, duh~" He laughed at the question, as if it was a joke. Another hand joined the fray of massaging hands, which was weird to say the least. 

"What do you mean by,"Duh!" She complained. "That's not normal!"

"Its not? Huh, must not be a lot of eldritch horrors then, god." He squished his stomach a bit, trying to compress it a bit to hide suspicions as it became day.

She was startled by the sudden compressing of the stomach walls."Wh-What are you doing to me?" She stammered.

"Hiding the fact that I ate you by making it look like I'm just-squish-fat! I'm not tryna digest you, I wouldn't do that to such a calm prey like you! That's way to cruel, even for a being beyond human comprehension like me!~"

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