part 26 - HE KNOWS! HE KNOWS!

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*few days later*

Y/n : what? Why? Shaks is something wrong why am I only allowed to work in evening and why are you surprisingly babysitting stacy in morning?

Shakina : nothing, I feel good to work in morning... That's the reason....

Y/n : hmm... Whatever

Shakina : okay...Take going home , close the cafe in an hour...

Y/n : okaieee

Shakina went to home, you served everyone snacks and was about to close

Y/n : why is the door bell ringing? One more customer... Uff... It's okay y/n! HELLO SIR MUD & MUFFINS WELCOMES YOU

You clicked the computers key markingan entry and lifted your head... Your eyes widened, you turned backwards and started to rush to the back door but your hands were caught

Jimin : Y/N?

Y/n : leave me... Who are you ?

Jimin : don't act!

Y/n : I seriously don't know who you are...

Jimin : then why did you run away? Why are you scared? I won't tell taehyung about you, can we talk? I promise!

Y/n : hmm....

Now you both were sipping coffee

Y/n : i... Am sorry... I couldn't do anything , I would rather die than hurting someone and live, jungkook's last words to me were like arrows... I can't do anything, so I decided to be the cheater, the doctor was an friend of shakina, so I begged her to tell a lie...

Jimin : about your baby

Y/n : taehyung's baby...

You clenched your apron

Y/n : taehyung's back was born dead...

Jimin : am sorry

Y/n : it's okay... How is taehyung?

Jimin : he is now married to angelina...

Y/n : that's good to hear...

Jimin : about jungkook...

Y/n : do you know where he is?

Jimin : he is living a normal life, he owns a convenience store now, he left the mafis industry just for you, atleast can't you meet him?

Y/n : no... I can't !

Jimin : why?

Y/n : am married... I have a baby!


y/n : yes...

After few minutes( in home)

Shakina : why did you lie to him?

Y/n : then... What should I do! Tell him I can't meet jungkook because I am taehyung's baby mother? Or let him tell taehyung who is living peacefully as a family man with angeline...

*in office*

Taehyung : jimin you are here, did you get me the coffee? Let's close this file today?

Jimin : I met y/n in the cafe....

Taehyung dropped the file

Taehyung : who...

Jimin : y/n...

Taehyung : De... Dead...

Jimin : no, she lied to all of us...

Taehyung caught hold of jimin's collar

Taehyung : shut up-

Jimin showed a photo of you

Taehyung : th... This... Is...

Taehyung clenched his wrist tightly and was about to leave

Jimin : she begged me not to tell about her to you, she is married with a child...

Tears dropped from taehyung's eyes

Taehyung : then... Why the hecka re yoh telling me this...

Jimin : because you need to live a life! Life with Angelina than thinking of her...

Taehyung banged the door and went out

*in home*

Angelina and taehyung was having dinner

Angelina : are you done? Can i take your plates?

Taehyung : hmm

Taehyung grabbed her hands and pushed her to the wall, holding her face, he went to kiss her, Angelina started at him with a glaze look giving herself to kiss, but taehyung stopped and PUNCHES THE WALL WITH FORCE

taehyung : this eyes aren't those! Her eyes! Those eyes! That lied! That left me! am sorry , you can go!

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