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You smiled to yourself as you drove home from work, you've been extremely busy lately and hadn't been able to squeeze in some time with Timotheé, much to your dismay. 

You have finally got a clear schedule, nothing booked in the near future and you could not more happy about it. 

Timotheé had been really bus recently too, filming his new movie and the interviews that came with it. 

It was hard sometimes when you were both extremely busy you'd both always work though it, knowing you'd both eventually be free and get to spend a lot of time with one another.

Working as a model had its perks of course, you can reduce things, but you'd packed your schedule for three weeks solid without noticing and you were extremely tired.

It was 11pm and you couldn't help but grin when you see you and Timotheé's house in the distance, your smile never faltering as you make your way inside the house.

Until you find it empty, you switch on the lights with a frown and take out your phone to see you had at least gotten a text from him, that's the peak of your conversations and not a mere few words. 

Timmy: Ihm going to be home pretty late :( don't wait up, I love you baby x

Me: I miss you :(

Timotheé: I miss you more x

Me: Love you <3

Timotheé  sends me a text telling me he loves me too and I sight, walking into the kitchen, feeling a bit hungry now.

I decides to just to eat cereal and got myself a bowl, milk and my favorite cereal and eat. 

The house is silent, too silent, you haven't had much time to realize how silent it had been for the past few weeks until now, it was weird.

The house was usually filled with sound, laughter music, the tv blaring etc.

You haven't noticed how quiet it's been until you weren't as busy anymore, it's eery only makes you miss Timotheé more.

In the morning, he was either gone or still asleep when you got up so no words were exchanged then, when you get home he wasn't dais a word to him while he was conscious in weeks and the mere thought is enough to bring tears to your eyes.

You sight, staring around in your cereal , not feeling too hungry anymore.

You decided you're going to stay awake until he's back no matter how much your eyes are begging for sleep, you want to see him. 

Despite you having your schedule cleared, Timotheé most likely does not, you'll probably end up tagging along to the set or a interview, as much as you'd love to follow him around non-stop, you still want Timotheé to have space, but you don't even know his schedule, you hadn't spoken properly with him in so long. 

A picture on the kitchen worktop catches your eye and you feel a hot tear trail down your cheek, it's a picture his sister Pauline took a few month ago, neither of you knew he took it, it's you an Timotheé looking at each other in pure adoration, with huge smiles on both of your faces, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. 

You shake your head abruptly and tell yourself to stop being so pathetic, it's not like he's dead or like you'd broke up, everything was completely fine, you just missed him.

Your sigh and stand up, making your way to the shower, you not even half eaten bowl of cereal left where you'd discarded it on the counter.

your mind wanders as you scrub shampoo into your hair. 

Had Timotheé. been thinking like you are now the whole time? Or was he just too busy to notice like you were? 

Eventually you trudge back downstairs, wearing one of timotheé's  jumpers and a pair of shorts, a blanket draped over your shoulders held tightly around you.

Every step you took was far to o loud for the silence of the house and you almost feel as if you make a noise too loud something would break. 

You sit down on the sofa and reach for the remote to turn on the TV, clicking into Netflix and deciding to watch an episode of Brooklyn nine-nine, it has alway been your comfort show. 

You lean back into the sofa and curl up, cuddling into the blanket as you watch Jake and Charles to silly things together making  you smile.

Your eyelids get heavier and you try to fight sleep as best as possible but eventually it takes over and you're falling asleep on the sofa.

Timotheé walks into the house, his eyes heavy with sleep and his eyebrows furrow as he hears the TV from the living room.

He walks inside and his face softens, a small smile playing on his lips as he sees your limp body curled up on the sofa, your wet hair falling around your face and the Tv still playing.

He missed you like crazy recently with how busy you've both been and seeing you like this tugged at his heart strings. 

He sighs and walks over to you, crouching down and brushing your hair out of your face, he smiles at the way your face is smooshed against the sofa, mouth slightly opened with a spot of drool in the corner of your mouth.

He throws his bag on the ground gently and slides his arms underneath you, trying to pick you up without waking you up.

He manages to do so, your only movement beging burying your face in his chest. 

What does wake you up however is when he stumbled on the last step, over a pair of your shoes you had carelessly thrown there. 

"Wha-" You said sleepily, your eyes popping open and you anxiousness fades when you see Timotheé looking down at you sympathetically.

"m sorry love, didn't mean to wake you" he says, continuing his walk to the bathroom. 

"It's alright, I wanted to stay up, didn't want to fall asleep" You huff and Timothée smirks, "You're tired baby, and grumpy" he says and you roll your eyes. 

"I miss you" You sigh and he smiles at you softly, "I miss you too" he says and places you to stand, "we haven't spoken properly in ages and we live together" you say quietly, "We've been so busy recently" he says back "I don't like it" you say and he smiles, "me neither, we both just packed our schedules too much" he sighs, pulling his t-shirt over his head, "when are you free next?" he asks, undoing his jeans and sliding them down his legs, "My schedule is clear for the future" you smile and watch as his face lights up.

"I have a to go to the set tomorrow" he says, "Will you come with me?" he asks with hopeful eyes, "Of course I will" you grin and he hugs you tightly, "I really missed you" he says and you kiss his shoulder softly, "You have no idea" you smile and you both stand there for a bit hugging tightly.

This is the best you've felt in ages.

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