School crush

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Timothée POV:
„Just look at here she is so beautiful!" I said to my friend Ansel who was on his phone sitting next to me „Timmy could you just one minute talking about Y/n!" Ansel said „Why?" I asked „Because you talked about her the whole way to school and the whole other lessons!" Ansel said annoyed „Oh!" I said „Timothée Ansel. Could you pleas pay attention!" Ms. Lawton said „Yes ms Lawton!" I said.

We were walking in French class when I noticed that Y/n was sitting in front our table. I walked past here and here friend acting as cool I could be.

Y/n pov:
I was drawing in my notebook and didn't pay attention. „Y/n !" my teacher said and I looked up from my book  „How do you say that you bought 6 apples?" my French teacher asked  „Ehhhh je pomme six?" [I Apple six ] I said . I sucked at French . „No!" my teacher said „Timothée!" my teacher said „J'ai acheté six pommes!" Timothée said. „Timothée Y/n I have to you after this lesson!" my teacher said and continued the lessons.
The lesson was over and I went to my teacher „Ah Y/n great. Your right now failing French and I thought that Timothée could tutor you!" my French teacher said „Timothée is that okay for you?" my teacher asked Timothée „yes!" he said „Great! See you tomorrow!" my teacher said and me and i walked out of the class room.

I would get tutored of one of the coolest boys of the school. „Alright Timothée.." I said but Timothée interrupted me „Timmy. You can call me Timmy!" he said „Alright Timmy I have time after school!" I said and went over with Timmy to my locker „Okay. So where should we meet?" he asked „At the school entrance!" I said and took my history books out of my locker and put them in my backpack „Alright I will wait for you at the School entrance! See you later!" He said and walked away.

My history class just ended and I went out to the school entrance where Timothée was leaning on a wall wearing sunglasses. „Hey
Y/n! Looking beautiful!" he said smirking mischievously i walked past him and said „Are you coming Chalamet". He ran up next to me „Where are we going?" Timothée asked „To a Café!" I said and went over to a bus station „Oh no we will take my car!" he said and took my hand my heart skipped a beat. He took me to a black car and opened the door for me. I got into the car and Timothée got into the car. „Which café?" he asked turning the car on „You can choose which café!" I said and he drove of to a Café.

„What can I get for you?" a waitress asked „I will get a cappuccino and you?" I said and looked over at Timmy „I take a Expresso!" he said and put his phone away „Alright. Do you want anything else?" the waitress asked „No thanks!" I said and the waitress walked away.

We were learning for a while now and I noticed that Timothée was staring at me „Why are you starring at me?" I asked still looking down at my book „No I'm not!" he said and I looked at him „Your one of the cooles guys out of the school and can't confirm a girl that you were staring at here!" I said „You think I'm cool?" he said having his confidence back „No!" I said „But you just said that!" he said „No I didn't!" I said „Oh my god y/n y/l/n thinks I'm cool!" he said laughing „Oh shut up!" I said „Make me!" he said smirking „What?" I asked. Was he really saying that i should kiss him. „Make me shut up!" he said. He leaned forwards and kissed me. I was shocked, was he really kidding me right now. It was a short kiss, but butterflies were in my stomach. „I'm sorry!" he said „Kiss me again!" I said „What?" he said confused „Kiss me!" I said again. He didn't need a second to think and kissed me again passional.

He jumped up and said really loud „Yes!" I had to laugh „Timmy sit down!" I said „You don't know how long I wanted to kiss you!" he said smiling brighter than a child „Really!" I said happily „I had a crush on you since high school started!" he said kissing me again.

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