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Timmy went already in bed because he had a long meeting today and was tired, and you were still up being on your phone. You heard how the door from your Bedroom opened and Timmy came out. „Hey T. Can't sleep?" you asked but Timmy didn't answered „Come on Hamster I will do you some cheesecake!" Timmy said and walked to the kitchen and you followed him „What did you said Hamster?" Timmy said and you had to hold back your laugh.  You took your phone out and started to Film him, because he never sleepwalked. „Wait hamster someone is calling!" Timmy said walking over to your phone and took it „Bond. James Bond here!" Timmy said and you laughed „What the hamster isn't a spy!" Timmy said and bent down and petted imaginary hamster. Timmy jumped up and steamed like a little phone „Your a Spy ahhh" Timmy screamed and run out of the living room and ran to the to the front door „There are even more!" he screamed and ran to your bedroom where he crawled into your bed and hide under your blanket.

You were already early up, and were working. „Hey babe!" Timmy said walking in „Hey T. How did you sleep?" you asked holding back a laugh „Great why?" he asked „You were sleepwalking!" you said „What noo" Timmy said ashamed „Here I filmed you!" you said giving him your phone were he watched himself sleepwalking. „Ahh it's so.. ahhh" Timmy said „And how did you fought the Hamster army?" you asked laughing „Shut up!" Timmy said walking out ashamed.  „I posted the video on my Insta story!" you said „Noo fuck you" he said walking out.

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