Chapter 40.

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After Xenoc had left I decided to continue my work and now it's almost evening and even the rain had stopped.

I got up from my chair and stretched my arms.

Maybe I should start doing yoga...?

I should get going. My curfew is until the sun sets so I still have some time.

I decided to organise my desk only to see that the quill which I was using to write until a minute ago was nowhere to be seen.

Did it grew legs and ran away?

I got annoyed and decided to leave it.'ll come back soon,afterall I take great care of my quills-

-Except that I end up snapping most of them because of the stress.

I made my way downstairs where most of my staff are present including Mr John, Claire and Max.

"Good evening" I greeted  as I approached them.

"Good evening,lady!" All of them chimed.

"Why are you guys huddled at this table for?" I asked as I looked at the table.

There were many gadgets in display.

When I glanced back at them they were all gawking at me.

"Is there something on my face?"I asked looking at all of them.

"Ah-well pardon me, but mylady you have a quill stuck on your hair"Max sprouted almost controlling his laughter while Claire and Mr John deadpanned.

So that's where it run off too. I took the quill from my hair and I swear this stupid red hair is worse than a bird's nest like literally anything get's tangled in here.

Maybe I should braid them. I was thinking while looking at the quill in my hands when my gaze fell on the table with gadgets.

"Huh? Isn't this Mr John's?" I asked looking at Mr John.

These gadgets resemble the ones I saw at his house.

"Yes well we decided to sell more of them but we haven't decided which. Also most of them are faulty, mylady "Mr John proclaimed seriously.

Ooooh. This is interesting... Maybe I can ask Mr John to make me a smartphone....

Nah. Poor guy will end up cursing me.

My eyes skimmed past each and every object as I saw a flashlight among them.

"Mr John..This is?" I asked while lifting the flashlight.

"Ah. That's something I invented similar to the street lights but this one doesn't need magic like the street lights instead a crystal called lightning crystal is used to power this device"He explained.

Lightning crystal? Electricity?

Suddenly I heard a chime... It was the sound of money.

Now this is going to be revolutionary. I'll be the first person to invent electricity here as nobles are dependent on magic artifacts but commoners are poor so they can't afford it.

With this lightning crystal maybe I can help improve the lifestyle of commoners and also earn plenty of money.

I was lost in my money making thoughts when suddenly my eyes fell on a strange rope like thing placed at the edge of the table.

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