Chapter 10.

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I saw the library and it's huge.. There was a special aroma surrounding the library.. An aroma of books.. I felt like I fell in love with this place.

Sunlight creeping into the room from one of those windows caused tyndall effect which gave a mysterious aura to the room.

I searched for books regarding spirit magic and guess what.. There is nothing.. There are just basic books and Salvarina has already read those.. There is nothing new here.. Nothing about spirit summoning either..

I felt dejected and decided to go back when it hit me.. When I visited the Duke's office the other day I saw a huge shelf of books there.. Couldn't it be that spirit summoning is confidential and the books regarding that are secured in the Duke's office?

I also got the news that the duke left to the imperial palace early in the morning.. This is my chance..

To the Duke's office!

I went there and just as expected there wasn't a single guard stationed there.. I sneaked inside the office..

I walked towards the huge shelf.. And began searching.. My eyes fell on a certain book.. I took it from the shelf.. It had the name 'Passionate love'. The name felt sus..

I opened it and I couldn't believe my eyes.. BL existed in this world.. But the real question is what's it doing in the Duke's office?.. Could it be that he's into BL?

My mouth fell open..

That Duke?.. The cold, hostile and highly dignified Duke Salvair?..

No I shouldn't judge people by their tastes in books but I couldn't stop myself from laughing by imagining the Duke reading BL.

I took a peek inside the book and kept reading it. As the name suggests it really is passionate love.. The story is about a king and his personal gurad.. Both of them sharing an unrequited love for each other. Then after some turn of events they confessed their true feelings to each other and then... they shared a passionate night together.. It's quite steamy.. I couldn't stop reading it.

And then it hit me.. My ultra instinct.. The instinct with which animals and birds are able to avoid dangers.. It's the same instinct.

I quickly thwarted my book up in the air and it fell on the top of the shelf.

The door sprang open.. And butler Cedric came inside.

"My lady?" He asked confused.

"Ah Cedric. Good morning"I replied calmly.

"It's evening mylady" He replied.

Evening? Just how many hours did I stand here and read that book!

"Ah yes."

"May I ask what you are doing in the Duke's office mylady?"

"Ah.. Well.. You see.." I began searching for an excuse.

"It's because I was searching for something here"

"Searching for what mylady?"

"My brooch.. I lost it when I came here the other day" I lied.

"My lady, you could've just asked the servants to search for it"

"Yes I could've but Cedric what if rumor gets out that lady Salvair is incapable of looking after her brooch then no wonder his highness broke up with her as how on earth will she look after the citizens" I said while acting a bit dejected.

"Ah. Forgive my impudence mylady" He quickly bowed.

Thank God he bought it.

"Then mylady do you want me to help you find it"

"No Cedric rather than that I have another task for you"

"What is it mylady?"

"Can you order new furnitures for the maid quarters?" I heard a few maids complaining about it. Sometimes I also witness Mary having to deal with frequent bed sores.

He looked puzzled.

"Very well mylady. I'll make necessary adjustments" He once again bowed and left the door closed.

I let out a deep sigh.

Thank goodness. Now where did I throw that book?

I looked at the top of the shelf. There's no way I can reach it.

Just then my eyes fell on a ladder. I decided to climb up the ladder. Even the ladder was short that I could only extend my hand to reach the top part of the shelf.

I used my hand to search for the book. My hand suddenly touched something hard. It was a book! I quickly took it and saw that.. It was a black book? It had a huge star shape in front of it. The book was written in ancient language as well.

I became curious. I got down and flipped over the pages. The book was in fact used to summon demons or monsters. A chill ran down my spine. Salvarina had already studied ancient languages so it was a piece of cake for me to comprehend it.

How did this book even got here?

I was initially thinking about summoning a spirit or making a contract with the spirit king but.... According to the records of spiritualists.. Spirits are said to be righteous and especially the spirit king.. They are pure and virtueous. That's not suitable for a villainess at all.

I then glanced at the book in my hands.

Demons huh?

Now that suits a villainess.

I clenched the book and smirked in a menacing way.. I'll form a contract with the demon lord.


I took the book and left the Duke's office.

I then got back to my room. Thankfully there wasn't anyone. I locked my door.

I got on the bed and began reading it.

From the book, I have to make a contract circle first.

With the help of the patterns shown in the book, I began to draw the same pattern on the floor. Mary will nag me for destroying the floor like this but I have to do this.

There..all complete.. Now all I have to do is to pour mana into it.

I'm not sure as to how.. I just stretched my hands out and began reciting some words from the book.

After reciting and pouring mana continously I felt tired and looked at the clock but it's only been five minutes. I didn't stop and gave it my all.

Black mist appeared on the pattern and it started to spread.. Finally I succeeded!

Then it stopped spreading and vanished.

I was confused. I stopped pouring mana.

Did I really succeed? If so then where is the demon lord?

"Hey, you!" I heard someone calling me.

I looked left and right but there wasn't anyone there.

"Down here!" The same voice.

I looked down and saw a......... small black thing which looked like a... worm?

I must've gone insane.

"What are you looking at?.. Didn't you summon me just now?" the voice was indeed coming from a worm.

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