Chapter 27.

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The bussing sound of people in the market was heard all over.

Every time I visit the market I'll stumble upon something unexpected like yesterday. I wonder if I'll be able to meet my pretty stalker again. That's one of the reasons as to why I left the mansion.

I made my way through the crowd by squirming past people. I noticed the shop that I had seen yesterday and went there.

"It's nice to see you again, mister" I smiled at the shopkeeper who tried to scam me yesterday.

He looked at me surprised and flinched.

"Um. Your ladyship I apologize for trying to scam you. You can take as many vials as you want" He said while bowing.

"No need to bow. Give me twenty vials of different colors. And also tell me the real price"

"Ah of course your ladyship. The price is two silvers as you had stated."

"For a vial?"

"No, for twenty vials"

Wow he really just lowered his price from five hundred silver coins to two?

"Here you go" I paid him the money and put the vials into my satchel.

What's next?.. I should buy something for Mary to make it up to her. I should buy some pastries. She always enjoys sweets.

It was afternoon and I started to get hungry as well since I had left the ducal house without having lunch. I bought an apple and was munching over it.The apples here are just like that from earth though they do taste a bit more juicy. As I was searching for a pastry shop someone tapped on my shoulder.

I turned around to see a handsome man with blue hair and the same deep blue eyes which my stalker had.

Holyshi- he's the second male lead. The archmage's son, Cesar Vakaracia.

His deep blue eyes were glaring at me. It looked like he was trying to penetrate a hole into my soul from all this glaring.

"It's an honor to meet the heir of the Vakaracia duchy" I smiled at the glaring man.

Since we are of the same status I don't have to bow to him. I never really liked bowing to a stalking character like him.

"You.... You hurt my Mirabel" He asked while stepping close to me. His eyes were like that of a predator's and to him I was his prey.

Geez. The only male lead that I like among these dooffuses is Ronin. Atleast he didn't falsely accuse me.

"No, I didn't. Now if you please excuse -" Just when I was about to complete my sentence an image flashed through my mind. It was of Cesar's. He was lying in a pool of blood along with Sir Ronin. They were both severely wounded. I can see destruction and chaos all across the Rultaz empire as well.

"Oi, are you even listening" Cesar snapped his fingers before my eyes.

What was all that! I just saw the two male leads die. Is this a vision?

"You are going to die" I looked at him in his eyes and blurted out without thinking.

"Huh? Is that a threat?" He sneered while slaming me to a wall.

Ew. This is like one of those cheesy scenes in a romance drama. Of course watching it is awesome but experiencing it in real life is only cringing me.

The Villainess just don't care ~ حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن