The Assignments

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Noah Bennet gave each squad their first assignments. He had chosen them carefully, based on their skills and abilities, as well as their personalities and backgrounds. He wanted to test them, challenge them, and train them. He wanted to see how they would work together, how they would handle situations, and how they would grow as a team.

He gave Squad Alpha the assignment of tracking down and capturing a rogue agent who had stolen some sensitive information from the Company. He knew that Peter, Elle, and Matt had a history with the agent, who was none other than Noah's former partner and friend, Claude Rains. He wanted to see if they could overcome their emotions and complete their mission.

He gave Squad Beta the assignment of investigating and infiltrating a secret laboratory that was conducting illegal experiments on people with abilities. He knew that Mohinder, Tracy, and Tara had a personal stake in the matter, as they had all been victims of such experiments in the past. He wanted to see if they could use their experience and knowledge to expose and stop the lab.

He gave Squad Gamma the assignment of locating and retrieving a mysterious artifact that was said to have the power to enhance or suppress abilities. He knew that Hiro, Kira, and Ethan had a fascination with such things, as they had all been involved with similar objects in the past. He wanted to see if they could use their curiosity and creativity to find and secure the artifact.

He gave Squad Delta the assignment of finding and neutralizing a group of terrorists who were planning to use a bomb to kill a large number of people with abilities. He knew that Sylar, Leo, and Ryan had a connection with the group, as they had all been targeted by them in the past. He wanted to see if they could use their power and cunning to stop and defeat the group.

He also gave each squad a secondary objective: to recruit a potential new member for the Company. He had identified four people with abilities who were living in different parts of the world. He wanted each squad to approach them and convince them to join the Company.

He gave Squad Alpha the target of Isaac Mendez, a painter who could see the future in his paintings. He was living in New York City, where he had a successful career as an artist.

He gave Squad Beta the target of Monica Dawson, a chef who could mimic any physical skill she saw. She was living in New Orleans, where she had opened her own restaurant.

He gave Squad Gamma the target of Daphne Millbrook, a courier who could move at super speed. She was living in Paris, where she had a lucrative business as a delivery girl.

He gave Squad Delta the target of Luke Campbell, a drifter who could emit microwave radiation. He was living in Los Angeles, where he had a troubled life as a runaway.

He told each squad to report back to him once they completed their assignments. He wished them good luck and ended the call.

He leaned back in his chair and sighed. He hoped he had made the right choices. He hoped his team would succeed. He hoped his Company would work.

He hoped he was doing the right thing.

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