My Boyfriend - Harry Styles (Chapter 18)

Start from the beginning


"Oh. My. God." I laughed at her. "Come on, it wasn't that scary!" I said, still laughing at her horrified expression. "Haz! IT BIT HER LEG! What the hell was it?!" She was practically on top of me, scared stiff. "I don't know, but apparently it's a true story." I said, making my eyes go wide. "Harry!" She said hitting me. I laughed again. She spent most of the movie burying her head into my chest mumbling 'Shit, shit, shit.' when she heard the humming noise meaning something scary was going to happen. Of course me being me, I wasn't scared at all. Except when the cupboards flew open, that's when me and Jess screamed.

"The pussy thing was such a you thing to do." She said laughing. There was a bit in the movie when the girl and her boyfriend did a ouija board but the boyfriend took control as a joke and spelt out pussy. "Well the pool cleaner thing was a you thing to do." The dad got the pool cleaner machiene to jump out to scare everyone. "I would do that on you." She laughed. She still had her feet flung over my lap and my arm around her. "Well I for one am not watching that movie ever again." She said still horrified. "You know they're bringing out a third one, right?" I said laughing. "No. We are not seeing that. You'll have me becoming sleep diprived!"

"What time is it?" She asked. We'd sat and chatted for a little while about random stuff. "Umm, six thirty. Why, you hungry?" I asked checking my watch. "Starving." She said. Her stomach rumbled, right on cue. I laughed. "Oh! How about we have a BBQ! It's really sunny outside and we can bring Liam, Louis, Hannah and Georgia over!" She said looking out the window at the sunny day. It was roasting, like twenty three degrees outside. "Yeah why not! I'll give Louis a ring, you ring Georgia." I said taking out my phone.


"This is so great. Just like old times! We're so glad you two are back together." Hannah said. We were all in the back garden, I was doing the BBQ and epically failing at it. "Yeah, Harry I've already noticed your sudden change in mood." Louis said. He was standing beside me with a drink in his hand, supervising the burgers. "That one's done." He said pointing at the burger. "Okay, who's cooking? Me. Is Louis cooking? No." I said smiling. "Fine then! Burn everyones food!" He said sitting back beside Hannah. She was giggling, she always laughed at Louis. "Fancy a game Harry?!" Liam shouted over. He was doing keepy uppies with the football. "Yeah sure!" I said, setting down the tongs I was flipping the burgers with. "There goes our food." Louis sighed. "Ohhh shush. Go keep an eye on them for me." I laughed.

I had just got hold of the football, when Jess came out of the house with Georgia. She had got changed into her shorts and t-shirt.There was only one word to describe her, beautiful. "Close your mouth Harry!" Louis shouted. Jess turned round to see me with my mouth hanging open. She walked over and shut my mouth, giving me a wink as she did. "You too Liam!" Louis said. Liam was practically drooling at Georgia. She was wearing the new shorts she got from Hollister. "Ehh, what happend to 'Hazza the best burger cooker ever' Quoted by yourself?!" Jess said when she noticed Louis cooking. "He turned into the best footballer ever!" I replied doing a very good header may I add.

She laughed and then sat down opposite Hannah. "So Louis, do you cook often?" She asked. "Surprisingly, no." Hannah said glaring at Louis in a jokey way. "Well I'm not the cook in our relationship. Hannah is." He said proudly as he flipped over another burger. "They're ready!" He exclaimed, jumping up and down. I walked over, the football underneath my arm, and inspected the burgers on the BBQ. "Hmmmm. I suppose." I mumbled, smirking at Louis. "Well excuse me!" Louis replied putting a burger in a bap.

"Well if I get food poisoning, I know who to blame." I replied, grinning. "Hey! Louis may not cook but that dosen't mean he can't!" Hannah said giving me a whack. "Sorreeeeey!" I said laughing. "That's my girlfriend right there." Louis said, admiring Hannah. "Snap out of it Louis." I said whacking him over the head. "Oww! Ehem, ladies first." He said passing Hannah a burger and winking at her making her blush. I stuck my tongue out behind his back making Jess laugh. "Honestly, you two are like kids!" Liam exclaimed looking back at me then Louis.  


"Hey, do you remember that time Harry went on the mobility scooter in the shopping centre?" Imogen said, bursting into laughter towards the end. We were still sitting outside, but we had blankets wrapped around us and I had brought out the big heater. It was dark and the stars were just starting to appear. "Oh god, that was hilarious!" Jess said bursting into fits laughter too. "And the security guy chased him out of the place!" She added. I smiled remembering that day. Everyone was laughing now. "Hey, that was a pretty terifying experience for me! I mean the guy was running after me while I sped away on a mobility scooter, which I'm guessing went roughly five miles an hour." Another chorus of laughter eminated from the group. I looked down at Jess who was cuddled up against me, her arms wrapped around my waist and my arm was slung over her.

I rested my head on hers and she snuggled into me tighter, gently closing her eyes as she did. I loved her, I really did. "Awwww look at you both." Georgia said staring at us. Jess didn't open her eyes, she was clearly sleeping. I smiled up at Georgia who was sitting on Liam's knee. "We better go." Hannah sighed, resting her head on Louis's shoulder. "Yeah come on you." Louis said getting up and giving Hannah a hand to help pull her up. "I'd get up but...." I pointed at Jess who was sleeping soundly on my chest. "Awwww, you staying here then Harry?" Hannah asked, holding Louis's hand. "Yeah, I may aswell. But obviously I'll sleep on the sofa!" I exclaimed laughing. "Hmmmmm." Jess groaned and moved a little but soon settled back to sleep again. "Bye!"

Soon Liam and Georgia left and it was just me and Jess left. I pulled the blanket off us and then carried her 'movie style' into the house, careful not to wake her up. "Harry?" She mumbled as I set her down on the sofa. "Shhhhhh. It's okay. Go back to sleep baby." I said kissing her gentley. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled a sleepy smile at me, making me grin. "I love you." She said unwrapping her arms from around my neck and cuddling up to the pillow. I smiled and watched her doze off before going to sleep on the other sofa.


How sweet is Harry, huh? I just love him now! :D Well, I always did but I love him even more now :P Remember to vote, comment and fan please! I really appreciate it! Thank you all so much for the support so far, you've been fantastic! Lana XxXXxXxxXxxXxXXxXxxXxxXx

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