Chapter Eight

Começar do início

"Yeah, Sanji! I was so worried about you. Why did you just lock yourself in that storage room alone. Was there even a point? I was crying and I refused to eat, just as I screamed. And I'm sure you heard me!" Luffy said.

After we tried talking to him (with no replies of course), we sunk into another conversation.

"Luffy!" I told Luffy.

"What's up?"

"We should ask Chopper to give another check-up. What do you think?" I told him with raised eyebrows.

"You are absolutely correct. Let me go get him," Luffy said, and gave me that signature smile again. That smile was what made Luffy himself, and he hadn't smiled like that until Sanji was found. He clearly was very happy to see that his chef was alright.

I smiled back. "Thanks, captain."


Luffy's POV



"I'll be right there!" I heard Choppers fuzzy voice says in reply. He had received the message, and was ready to do whatever was needed. That's chopper for you.

Chopper went to the medical bay.

"His injuries have caused him to come into a coma, which means he can hear everything you say, and think about what you are saying, but that's it."

I heard Zoro's voice get weak and flustered. "When was he able to start hearing what we were saying?"

Oh right. We had that little conversation, and if Sanji had heard it, Zoro would cut me directly in half. Yikes. Chopper, please save me!! I don't want to die...........

"Uhm, well do you really want to know? You ay have said something that you would regret, so... I don't know if I should tell you or not for your own welbeing."


Sanji's POV


I heard Chopper talking to Luffy and Zoro.

"His injuries have caused him to come into a coma, which means he can hear everything you say, and think about what you are saying, but that's it," Chopper said.


Zoro's voice get weak and flustered. "When was he able to start hearing what we were saying?"

"Uhm, well do you really want to know? You may have said something that you would regret, so... I don't know if I should tell you or not for your own welbeing."

"It's fine, just tell me!" Zoro said. "I won't be mad, Luffy," he then said.

Oh yeah, of course. That 'conversation' they had about him having a taste in men. Uh-oh...

Zoro wasn't really fine. He would cut Luffy in half on the spot!

If only I could move right now. If only I could stop Zoro from doing so!

"Well," Chopper said. "The truth is, I don't even know myself."

Woo. Nice save Chopper. And based on what you said, I can tell you just didn't want to tell them. You know for yourself. Thanks for saving Luffy, buddy!

Of course, Chopper was about to say the truth, but then he changed his mind at the last minute... what a clever doctor. Mark my words.


Chopper's POV


I decided to save Luffy. I mean, the truth is he has been able to hear us for over 5 hours, about when the surgery was done, but it's not like I could say that out loud. I knew that Sanji wouldn't be happy if I told them this, that he knew the fate of Luffy if that was done.

"Alright, Chopper. I understand," Luffy told me.

"Yeah, it's all good! We are just happy you are helping the curly-brow, who I think I should just call Sanji after this," Zoro said.

Zoro. You are such a bold man. Sanji probably knows something is up, yet, in spite of everything. You say everything is fine and that you will try to fight less with him when he is better. Good move!


Sanji's POV


*2 weeks later*

It had been 2 weeks since that check-up, and Chopper still continued giving me daily check-ups. I heard other nakamas come in and say hi a few times to.

I should be waking up soon. It has been 2 full weeks since Chopper told me I ahd a coma, and that I wouldn't be able to wak eup for a long time! What a good reindeer for the crew. I was happy with him for once.


Author's Note


Thanks for reading! This chapter was 1285 words long.


Their Nightmares (Zosan)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora