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Kitty's POV
Me and Min Ho left the airport together. We took a taxi together. I got dropped off first. I kissed him and said bye to him. Then I went into my childhood home. "Dad, Trina, I'm home!" I yell when I get into the house. I drop my bag by the door as Dad walks down the steps. "Hi, Kitty! I thought you were going to stay with Dae for the break." Dad says to me. Then, Trina walks down. "Did I hear Kitty?" She questions.
"Oh my god, your here!" Trina seems happy and surprised. "Yeah, I have a lot to talk to you guys about. Especially, Trina because a lot of thugs is girl stuff. You wouldn't get it, Dad." I say. "Ooh, drama. I am so excited to here about this." Trina says. "Hold on, why can't I know about that stuff?" Dad asks. "Honey, you aren't a girl. You wouldn't understand." Trina says. Dad roles his eyes and walks to the kitchen.
Me and Trina walk up to my room. I took my bag with me. I close my door behind me. She takes a seat on my bed. "So, how was it?" She asks. I look at her and sigh. Then I look away. "That bad, huh?" She asks.
I go and sit on the bed. "So, you know how I surprised him at the party?" She nods to me. "Well, I went and found out that he already had a girlfriend. But, come to find out they were faking the whole thing. The 'girlfriend' is gay by the way. They had that so she would make her parents happy because they knew she was gay and they didn't want her to be. That was the whole reason they were together in the first place. Then, after I found out I became like best friends with her. Me and Dae started dating again. I became best friends with someone else, Q, who is also gay. The girl that was faking dating Dae is Yuri. I started to develop feelings for her. She also had a girlfriend. He parents sent her away because they found out about her and Yuri. Then I got expelled from school." I say to her.
"Hold on, you got EXPELLED?!?" She yells on expelled. "That is what I wanted to tell you and dad. Then, my phone started to ring. I look at it. It was KISS. I answered it. "Hello.... This is she. Yes, I would be grateful if the opportunity, thank you. Yes, I understand. Thank you so much." I say and hang up. She looked at me with big eyes. "What is it?" She asks. "It was the school. I am on trial for getting expelled. Apparently, someone convinced the principal to get me to stay. Trina, I might stay. This is the best news I have heard in hours." I say. She looks at me. "Hours?" She questions. "Yeah, so before they called I was going to tell you what happened on the plane." I say to her. "What happened?" Trina asks.
"There was this guy that was my roommate. He acted like he hated me and I didn't really like home either. He was on the same plane as I was. He is going to visit his mom. His mom is an actress. But he was there and then he confessed his feelings for me on the plane. I knew that I liked him a tiny bit. And we kissed. We are going to meet up later. He wants me to meet his mom before we go back." I tell Trina what happened on the plane. She nods her head. "Sounds like something from a book. That is amazing. It sounds like you really figured some things when you were there." She says.
"Yes, I figured out a lot of things about myself. It made me really connect with myself and also my mom. I felt like I find of knew her for being there. It was amazing." I say. "I'm glad you got to have your own experiences and be connected to your mom like that." Trina smiles at me. "Yeah, OMG. I have to tell Minho about this. I'm going to call him. Talk some more later?' I question. She nods and that's when I dash up to my room. I call Minho the minute I'm in my room.
The third ring is when he answers.
Minho: Hey, What's up?
Me : I have huge news. My expulsion has been suspended. I am going to be with you for one more year! I can't wait to see you.
Minho : I am so glad. I can't wait to see you either. My mom wants to meet you tomorrow. Is that okay?
Me : Of course i will text you my address so you can pick me up tomorrow. Does that sound good?
Minho : Yeah, I will pick you up at 11 o'clock
Me : I can't wait to see then. Ok my parents are planning to have dinner at a restaurant and they are calling downstairs so I will talk to you later. Bye, babe
Minho : Bye, babe. Talk later.
Then we hang up and I go downstairs. We decide to go to the restaurant that i would go to as kids. The one my mom loved so much. We would always play music and Lara Jean would dance in the lanes like mom did. It's not going to be the same without her there but I am going anyways. Then we head home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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