I'm Sad To Say (yet, not really)

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I'm gonna finish this book, I'm definitely not out of the fandom, but with this SMP finally ending I've completely forgot about this book, yes, there's a slim chance I'll go back to this book, for a chapter or two, but I'm proud of these two books, you guys have no idea how happy it made me. I always had this to fall back on when I was stressed, but I think, despite everything still being hectic, I have other things to fall back on (stardew valley, legend of zelda and comfort streamers my beloveds <3) and I'm still working on other books, just not from this fandom, at the moment anyway.

It's a sad end, but an inevitable one, it was wonderful being here for so many people, I've made actually amazing friends, some that I've known for a while now, and talk to daily

Love you guys <3

Stay safe, and remember, despite this being the end, I'll still be here to talk to you all and respond to comments n shit

Thank you :>

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