✯ 14 ✯ Starting Line

Start from the beginning

"Why the hell are you sitting with him?!" Katsuki yelled.

"I'd rather sit in the back. No offense, but I don't like sitting up front," I smiled nervously.

Katsuki scoffed and sat down, throwing his feet up on the desk, while crossing his arms.

"Don't pout like a little kid who lost an argument," I teased.

"I'm not pouting!" Katsuki yelled.

The door opened and I turned my head to see Iida entering the classroom.

"Good morning!" he said loudly.

"Morning," I replied.

As people filed in and chose their seats Iida noticed Katsuki's feet on the desks. He was very quick to walk over and 'correct' Katsuki.

"Take your feet off of that desk now!" Iida ordered.

"Huh?!" Katsuki scoffed with an antagonizing smirk.

'And it's started already,' I mentally sighed.

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!" Iida scolded.

"You're kidding me, right?! Your old school put a stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" Katsuki insulted.

"You're friends with him?" Shoto asked with a raised brow.

I hung my head as an embarrassed smile grew on my face.

"Don't remind me," I sighed.

"Ah-! Let's start over. I'm Iida, Tenya from the Somei Private Academy," Iida said calmly.

I stood up from my desk and Shoto looked over with a questioning look. I gave him a small smile before walking forward to the two squabbling.

"Somei, huh?! So you must think you're better than me! I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one!" Katsuki laughed.

"You would threaten me?! Your own classmate, are you sure you're in the right place?" Iida gasped, taken aback in offense and shock.

I clenched my fist shut and hit Katsuki over his head, making him flinch.

"Bad Katsuki," I scolded.

"Hey, I'm not a dog!" Katsuki yelled.

"I apologize for him. He's always been this...rowdy. I'm (L/N), (Y/N), pleased to meet you," I bowed.

"You're friends with him? You act nothing like him!" Iida said.

"Yeah, I had the unfortunate pleasure of growing up with him. Just ignore his threats, he's not serious...most of the time," I replied.

Katsuki huffed and looked towards the door, drawing Iida's and my attention.

I saw Izuku standing there simply watching.

"It's him," Iida spoke.

Everyone's heads turned to look at Izuku who became really flustered, really quickly.

"Um, hi!" Izuku stuttered.

"Good morning! My name is Iida, Tenya, so-" Iida began.

He walked over to Izuku very stiffly which made me cover my mouth as I giggled.

I knew he was stiff, with his chopping hands and all, but this was hilarious seeing it in person rather than through a screen.

"Y-yeah, I know!" Izuku interrupted.

Izuku began nervous as Iida just paused in movement and sentence.

"I'm Midoriya, Izuku. It's super nice to meet you," Izuku said nervously.

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