Its Dark in Here

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It's dark in here
It's dark and scary and suffocating
There are others with me
But they do nothing
They just sit, waiting

Waiting to see if someone will free us
If they will help us out

It's dark in here
It's dark and cold and miserable
People trying to help us out
More people pushing us in,
Threatening us
Forcing us to stay in this dark enclosed space

Why can't we all be out there
They're so happy
So free
So full of life
But I'm here
Trapped behind closed doors
Wanting to push them open
But I can't

It's dark in here
I want to die, to see if I can find light
I have a faint memory of it
From long ago
Back before I was shoved
Crammed into this darkened enclosure

It's a beautiful thing
It captures and reflects all the beauty
That can be seen by the eye
All the beauty
That they all miss

It's dark in here
They won't let me out and I'm suffocating
I'm suffocating but for some reason I just
The stale, used air is somehow still
Keeping me alive

There are others out there
With fresh air
They have all the freedom in the world
But they use it to keep me hidden away
Some are kind.
They don't like me
Won't be friends with me
But they want to let me out

But most are cruel
Inhumane creatures
Who call themselves human beings
When the don't have the decency
To let me out

It's dark in here
But don't worry
I'll see the light outside
That I can remember
They will be sad, say I was amazing
And didn't deserve it

But they caused this.
They caused me to be trapped
In this never ending darkness
With no light. No hope
No freedom

It's dark in here


Written for a friend. Comment if you know what it's about please I want to see if I got the point across. Thanks guys ❤️❤️❤️

Poetry of Thoughts Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang