Part 3: Chapter 18

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*young Marc*

3rd person pov

"Where's Eleazar?" Ava asked as she slowly walked in the kitchen.

"Why are you out of bed?" Sebastian asked stopping what he was doing and helping his wife sit on the couch. Anne began to rush Ava but Sebastian caught her before she could and set her on the couch next to Ava, "gently," he told his daughter.

"I'm bored. Where's El?" Ava asked again.


Ava narrowed her eyes and gave Sebastian a suspicious look. "What.. did you do?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Sorry, what did you allow?"

Sebastian looked down at his feet, "I let him go with Marc."

"You what?" Ava tried to stand again but Sebastian sat her backdown.

"Ava it's okay. Marc's his uncle and in charge of all the Aurors in England. He knows what he's doing."

"Sebastian, he doesn't have kids. I bet he gave him ice cream to shut him up."

"He wouldn't.. he knows why El can't have a lot of sugar."

"I never told him.." Ava sighed. "You must have told him though.."

The couple looked at each other. They knew they fucked up. "Hey Anne dressed." Ava said standing. "We gotta go get him before the sugar rush hits."

"I'll go, you have to rest." Sebastian tired to say. Ava didn't stop and look at him. She just forced her ancient magic out enough that he could feel it. "You're right, I'm sorry."


"Maybe I should have dropped you off first.." Marc Admitted as the two of them stood staring up the entrance to the Gaunt manor.

"I'll be okay." El stated bouncing up and down.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine why?" Eleazar smiled. Marc thought he saw the red glow flickering in El's eyes but chose to ignore it for the moment.

"...yeah... yeah I'm going to ignore that for now."  El looked at his uncle confused as Marc reached forward and touched the iron bars to signal to someone they are there.

There was a popping sound and suddenly Ominis Gaunts father was on the other side of the gate.

"Marvolo Sr.," Marc greeted.

"I'm shocked you'd show your face here after your pathetic sister killed my son leaving his wife widow and his daughter orphaned."

Marc smiled teasingly, "I'm sure Merope is better off with out her father."

"Barely even got to meet her father. She was only a few days old when Ava Sallow slaughtered my son."

"Only because he killed her son."

"Don't get me started on her timeline. It gives me a headache. What do you want?"

"Wondering if you have a secret son."

Marvolo senior scoffed, "you can't simply ask a man of my stature that."

"I can. It's my job. Do you have a secret son with a muggle?" Marc crossed his arms and waited while Gaunt stood with his jaw dropped. His mouth open and closed like a fish while he tried to think about what to say. "Well?"

"What I do in my spare time is my business. But I would never make a monstrosity like a half-blood!" He yelled at Marc.

"The woman mysteriously disappeared after she was seen running away with you. Did you kill her?"

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