Shadowed Sun (Roses)

153 13 2

Author: Aravis-Brightspell

Reviewer: Rain_dropsand_roses

Genre: Science Fiction

The premise of the story is intriguing, with an emperor of a human galactical empire abducting an alien from a doomed planet with the promise of saving its planet in exchange for something. However, after reading three chapters, the motive of the emperor remains unclear, and the blurb offers little insight into what he is fighting against and why he must take such drastic measures. This makes it difficult to relate to the emperor as a character and justify his actions.

The characterization of the two main characters, Karron and Gerrian, could be improved. Karron's single-minded devotion to his mission and willingness to deceive even his closest advisers make him a complex character, but Gerrian feels forgettable and lacks contrast with Karron. It would be more interesting to explore the dynamic between the two, with Gerrian perhaps serving as a voice of reason to Karron's recklessness.

The setting could also benefit from more description and technobabble. As a science fiction reader, I'm curious about what a human settlement in space might look like and what technologies are available. Including more details about the setting and the available technology would make the worldbuilding more immersive.

The pacing of the story feels fast, which could be due to the shorter chapters and sudden transitions between them. While this can create a sense of urgency, it can also make the story feel disjointed, and make it more difficult to connect with characters.

Overall, the story has potential but needs further development. The futuristic space setting, high stakes, and mix of science and sorcery are all captivating elements, but the lack of clarity regarding the emperor's motivation and characterization of the main characters hold the story back. I'd only give the story an average 3 out of 5 stars rating because there's very little content to base on.

With more worldbuilding, character development, and a clearer sense of the stakes involved, this story could be a great read for fans of science fiction.

Good luck with your story and I hope this review is helpful!

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