Chapter 31

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Alpha James's pov

After a completely pointless meeting, I watched the Midnight Pack from the window of my room. We came to an agreement with Alpha Lucas about the "alliance" which is irrelevant to me. This pack is no match for us especially after their Luna dies.

Alpha Lucas is still a blind pup and can't even imagine what's going to happen. He's just a pawn.

Eric came into my room without knocking, rude kid. However, he has been really helpful so I don't care that much.

"Alpha, I have found what you are looking for." He said.

"Great! Who is it?"

Eric sat down in an armchair and continued

"Valeria hasn't been here for a long time but everyone seems to love their Luna, except one. She is Alpha Lucas' friend Evelyn, the daughter of the head warrior we saw this morning. Apparently they have had a one-night stand that has been more important to her than to Alpha."

Eric paused. I almost laughed at him, he never talks this much.

"She loves Alpha Lucas, which is why she hates and despises Luna Valeria. So much so that I'm sure she wants to get rid of her. Evelyn also cares about power and she thinks Valeria is too weak to be Luna." Eric finished.

"Hmm okay, we have to act wisely. Can you break into her mind and connect me to her?" I asked.

Because of Eric's powers, I can carry out my plan so that the risk of getting caught decreases. When we are not seen together, no one will believe Miss Evelyn if she does not go along with the plot.

"Sure, I'm prepared for that." Eric answered and came over to me.

"Okay, let's start." I said and he put his hands on my temples and his eyes were shining. After a while I felt a connection.

"Miss Evelyn."

"What the hell.. who are you!?" Fiery, I like it.

"It doesn't matter at the moment, but I have come to know that you want to get rid of Luna Valeria." I said.

"This is crazy! Who are you? You accuse me of treason." She was getting nervous, okay. Now I have to take the risk.

"I'm Alpha James. And my hybrid Eric has seen into your mind that you don't care about Luna Valeria and want to get rid of her. You want Alpha Lucas for yourself, love makes us do the strangest things."

"W-what.. You're crazy. Y-you can't prove anything." Evelyn was getting more nervous.

"I can, thanks to Eric. He's a strong wizard and I'm going to do it too unless you want to help me. We have the same goal." I tried to coax her.

"And if I don't help?"

"Then unfortunately I have to tell Alpha Lucas what kind of thoughts you have towards his beloved Luna. Friend or not, no Alpha is happy when someone threatens their mate. Even at the level of thought. And remember, there's no way you can get me involved in that mess." I smiled because judging by the long silence, I got her.

"F-fine. I want Lucas, but nothing must happen to him or the pack." Evelyn demanded.

Hmmh maybe I don't need to tell her it's up to Lucas and his wolf how they cope with the loss of a mate.

"Agreed." I promised.

That is another thing, what my partner, rogue Alpha does. I make the plans but they are responsible for the attacks. Never fully trust a rogue.

"What do I have to do?" She asked and I grinned evilly.

"Let me tell you dear."

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